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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: NYT: MMJ: 5 States Vote Medical Use of Marijuana
Title:US: NYT: MMJ: 5 States Vote Medical Use of Marijuana
Published On:1998-11-05
Source:The New York Times
Fetched On:2008-09-06 21:06:15

DENVER -- In defiance of federal officials, and often state legislators,
voters approved initiatives on Tuesday to legalize the medical use of
marijuana in Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Washington state.

And in Colorado and the District of Columbia, where conservatives managed
to nullify medical marijuana initiatives at the last moment, surveys of
voters leaving the polls on Tuesday indicated strong support for the

Drug policy analysts Wednesday said the votes, in which every marijuana
initiative on a state ballot was approved, demonstrated the sea change in
attitudes that started with the approval of ballot measures in Arizona and
California in 1996.

"I don't think any of these propositions would have passed five years ago,"
said Mark Kleiman, a professor of policy studies at the University of
California, Los Angeles. "It is no longer possible to buffalo the American
people by screaming drugs and having them run away."

But the drives for the initiatives were bolstered by $5 million in
advertising over the last year, estimated Ethan Nadelmann, director of the
Lindesmith Center, a drug policy institute in New York. The campaign was
financed by George Soros, the billionaire investor who financed the
Lindesmith Center; Peter Lewis, a Cleveland insurance executive, and John
Sperling, a Phoenix entrepreneur.

The votes would give confidence to politicians who are afraid to publicly
support allowing doctors to recommend marijuana to patients suffering from
illnesses like glaucoma, cancer and multiple sclerosis, Nadelmann predicted.

In Oregon and Arizona, the votes were direct slaps at state legislatures
that had voted curbs on marijuana.

In Oregon, the Legislature last year restored criminal penalties for
marijuana possession. On Tuesday, Oregonians voted, 2-1, to make possession
merely a violation carrying a fine, as it had been since 1973. They also
voted, by a smaller margin, to approve the medical use of marijuana.

In Arizona, the Legislature had approved bills last year that essentially
gutted the marijuana referendum votes of 1996. On Tuesday, Arizona voters
easily approved two initiatives that restored the 1996 language.

"In two states, Arizona and Oregon, people overthrew the politicians on
drugs," Sam Vagenas, leader of Arizona's medical-marijuana movement, said
Wednesday. "This is the biggest grass-roots movement since term limits."

Opposition to the medical-marijuana movement has come from big city police
chiefs, Congress, and the White House's top drug policy official, Gen.
Barry McCaffrey. In Senate testimony last summer, the general, who directs
the Office of National Drug Control Policy, warned, in a veiled reference
to Soros: "There is a carefully camouflaged, exorbitantly funded,
well-heeled elitist group whose ultimate goal is to legalize drug use in
the United States."

Wednesday, the general's office emphasized that the state measures "in no
way alter the status of marijuana under federal law."

"We are concerned about the mixed message that children pick up on this,"
Jim McDonough, director of strategy for the White House drug control
office, said Wednesday of the advertising campaigns to allow medical uses
of marijuana. Noting that the number of marijuana users in the nation had
dropped in half since 1980, to about 10 million today, he said that surveys
indicated a recent increase among students.

In the District of Columbia, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., a conservative, inserted
two weeks ago into the district's federal appropriation bill an amendment
to bar the district from counting votes in Tuesday's medical-marijuana
initiative. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing to overturn the ban.

In Colorado, a medical-marijuana initiative was also on the ballot, but
Vikki Buckley, the secretary of state and a Republican, said she would not
count the votes because the initiative backers did not supply enough valid
signatures to place the issue on the ballot. Backers are contesting her
ruling in court.
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