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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: CIA Has Become A Synonym For Failure
Title:US: CIA Has Become A Synonym For Failure
Published On:1998-11-08
Fetched On:2008-09-06 20:52:41

(Hawk's note: I cd find no record of this piece. I believe it should be on
file in the data bank. The pubdate is when it was published. pd)

It no longer provides policy-makers with the kind of accurate and timely
intelligence needed to protect the United States, nor does it deliver to
taxpayers a fair return on their money. It is time, as Sen. Daniel Patrick
Moynihan, a New York Democrat, has suggested, to consider dismantling the
CIA and restructuring the nation&'s intelligence establishment.

The CIA's latest failure was its inability to foresee the nuclear tests
conducted by India, which precipitated Pakistan&'s tests. This failure
occurred despite a series of public pronouncements by Indian officials that
they intended to resume testing and overhead reconnaissance suggesting
unusual activity at the test site.

The Indian failure follows a major CIA fiasco in northern Iraq intended to
overthrow Saddam Hussein, various spy scandals that have rocked the agency
in recent years, a mixed record of monitoring the proliferation of chemical
and biological weapons, and its inability to anticipate the collapse of the
Soviet Union.

The CIA would have us believe that only its failures are publicized, while
its triumphs are, out of necessity, cloaked in secrecy. This is nonsense.

The United States spends in excess of $30 billion a year on intelligence.
This should guarantee a first-rate product, but all too often the
intelligence is too little, too late. First, there is an over-reliance on
the technical collection of data at the expense of so-called "humint," or
human intelligence. Only humint can give policy-makers a real sense of an
adversary's intentions, and this was clearly lacking in the recent failure
regarding India.

Information, not knowledge

Second, the CIA and its sister agencies
collect an enormous volume of information on a vast number of subjects. But
it is just that: information, not knowledge. It is in the processing of the
information that the system breaks down. There is an over-reliance on
computers to sort out what is and is not relevant. Some way needs to be
found to bring critical intelligence to the attention of policy-makers more

Third, the agency no longer has the covert action capabilities that once
permitted it to shape events rather than be a bystander. Not only is there
an aversion to risk-taking, but often this capability has been squandered,
as former CIA chief Stansfield Turner has observed, on projects where U.S.
interests are not really at stake.

Finally, while the CIA is the last remaining global intelligence service on
Earth, it is also a massive bureaucracy, with typical bureaucratic
problems. Also, the agency's sense of fraternity is gone, replaced too
often by sloth, careerism and resistance to new ideas. Says a former
intelligence official, "The CIA today reminds me of a body builder. Heavy,
muscle-bound, yet incapable of delivering a punch."

With the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the rise of new threats, a
number of CIA people are just trying to hang onto their jobs.

Where the agency has critical shortages in some regional specialties and
languages, not to mention emerging technologies, it is saddled with people
who made their careers fighting an enemy that no longer exists and are
threatened by any significant effort at major reform.

At the core of the problem is leadership. A majority of recent directors of
central intelligence, or DCIs, appear to have been selected more for their
confirmability than their leadership or management abilities -- or

So, what would the new spy agency look like? It would be leaner
and meaner. It would also be younger, less rigid and more diverse, thereby
perhaps recapturing some of the dynamism that used to characterize the CIA.

The new agency would emphasize greater global balance than in the past, so
as to eliminate the blind spots that have plagued U.S. intelligence in
recent years. There would be less reliance on purely technical means of
collecting information. Most controversial, it would have an action arm,
with expanded ability to influence events around the globe.

Hollywood remains the CIA's best friend and biggest booster, thanks to the
naivete and political biases of many in television and the movies. Although
the CIA has suffered failure after failure, Hollywood continues to turn out
motion pictures portraying the spy agency as all-powerful, ruthless and
coldly effective.

If only it were so.

Neil C. Livingstone has written nine books on terrorism. He wrote this
article for Newsday.

Originally published on Jun 18 1998

Checked-by: Pat Dolan

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