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News (Media Awareness Project) - Volunteers Needed - Please Read!
Title:Volunteers Needed - Please Read!
Published On:1998-11-09
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-09-06 20:45:13
Dear Readers,

The editing/posting team that insures you receive this service, by posting
the many articles sent in by our loyal newshawks, is in need of a few more
members. This volunteer work has been highly automated, allowing each team
member to control the number of items they wish to post, and take
themselves on or off duty at will.

Just drop a note to rlake@mapinc.org if you are interested in helping.

Another small team has just been formed which is working on translating
items the non-English media everywhere. If you have translating skills, and
would like to assist, please also send me a note.

As always, we appreciate the superb effort of our many newshawks. No need
to volunteer to be a newshawk. Please just read the instructions for
newshawking at:

If you appreciate this service please make a contribution:

On the behalf of the editing/posting team; Pat Dolan, Don Beck, Joel
Johnson, Mike Gogulski,Olafur Brentmar, Patrick Henry, Rich O'Grady, Rolf
Ernst and myself; thanks for your attention and interest. Now back to our
regularly scheduled news....

Richard Lake
Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
email: rlake@mapinc.org
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Checked-by: Richard Lake
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