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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Wire: Compounds Found To Boost Memory
Title:US: Wire: Compounds Found To Boost Memory
Published On:1998-11-08
Source:Associated Press
Fetched On:2008-09-06 20:37:47

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Nicotine-like compounds can improve memory and
might one day be used in pills to treat disorders like Alzheimer's
disease, according to research on laboratory animals.

But while the finding supports smokers' contention that cigarettes
improve their mental alertness, scientists warned that no one should
ever reach for a smoke.

``The relationship between lung cancer and smoking is clear and it's
not the way you want to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease,''
said Esther Sabban, a biochemistry and molecular biology professor at
New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y.

Nor do scientists advocate turning to other sources of nicotine before
further studies substantiate early research on rats.

``Certainly, nicotine itself may have a useful place,'' said Edward
Levin, a neuroscientist at Duke University in Durham, N.C. But, he
added: ``I wouldn't want people to buy a pack of cigarettes or a patch
or (nicotine) chewing gum.''

Nevertheless, the scientists told reporters Sunday at the Society for
Neuroscience annual meeting that they're encouraged they can design
medications to capitalize on the benefits of nicotine without
cardiovascular and other side effects.

``These are exciting avenues for drug development, but we're not there
yet,'' Levin said.

Researchers are looking at nicotine because it's known to stimulate
receptors for acetylcholine, a nerve cell-signaling chemical important
in learning and memory. Alzheimer's patients have a shortage of
receptors for acetylcholine, Levin said.

But when they're given a nicotine patch, their attention improves.
That ability of nicotine to emulate acetylcholine and in essence
``trick the brain'' has led scientists to target nicotine-like drugs
that stimulate the same receptors, said Darwin Berg, a researcher with
the University of California, San Diego.

Patrick Lippiello, a neuroscientist with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in
Winston- Salem, N.C., reported that the company has developed two
compounds that stimulate the brain receptors nicotine works on.

In rats, the substances increased both short- and long-term memory and
showed persistent benefits without toxic side effects, he said. They
also kept brain cells from dying when exposed to chemicals that
normally kill them.

His research suggests the compounds might be taken as once-daily pills
to fend off the brain cell ravages of Alzheimer's disease.

R.J. Reynolds is seeking pharmaceutical industry partners to develop
the compounds for human use, he said.

Levin and his colleagues found another compound that stimulates
nicotine receptors and can improve learning and memory in
brain-damaged rats. Astra- Arcus Pharmaceuticals, which funded his
research, has applied for a patent on the compound.

In research into nicotine's other much-touted benefit -- its ability
to calm nerves -- Ms. Sabban said she is beginning to understand how
cigarettes can increase levels of stress hormones and at the same time
relax smokers.

When she gave rats injections of nicotine equivalent to smoking a
single cigarette, they produced more stress hormones.

But when she infused them with a steady dose of nicotine, she
inhibited the response of the adrenal gland, which is responsible for
the fight-or-flight outpouring of stress hormones.

The findings may explain why the nicotine patch can reduce the body's
response to stress and could guide development of ``new drugs that one
day can alleviate the harmful effects of stress,'' she said.

Checked-by: Rich O'Grady
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