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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: PUB OPED: Drug War Costing More Than It Saves
Title:US FL: PUB OPED: Drug War Costing More Than It Saves
Published On:1998-12-25
Source:Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel (FL)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 17:17:32
All of my life I've been a pawn in the movement to militarize the War On
(some) Drugs.

I pay the taxes that build the jails and place armed police officers and
drug-sniffing dogs in the public schools -- the two most prominent
institutions on the landscape of my children's world.

I grudgingly pull over and show the scowling officer my papers when they
block off major roads to perform a "Safety Check" (used to be just weekend
nights looking for drunk drivers, but now it's just about anytime, just
about anywhere, no excuse required).

I've been asked to provide urine samples for drug testing in order to
acquire a job.

I've seen elected officials used terms like "treason" and "firing squad"
when talking about casual drug users.

I've seen the local sheriff's department go from rags to riches on the
proceeds from their weekend police auctions (of stuff that used to belong
to citizens). I've seen the Drug Warlords cynically appropriated the fear
of the people (not to mention appropriate ever more of our resources) to
justify outrageous policies.

All the while, in addition to all of this financial expense I've watched
quiet, friendly neighborhoods turn into crack town. I've watched the
overall quality of life in my community go straight to hell.

I've seen phenomenal growth in the black market. It's gotten so bad that
the local grocery store is selling bootleg cigarettes.

Kids hate cops, cops hate kids. But then, how can you expect anyone to
respect the law when the law holds them in such contempt?

There are a few things I haven't seen.

I've never heard of bloody territory disputes among Anhuizer Busch truck
drivers. Have you? Hooch drivers habitually gunned down cops and each other
in the 20's. What's the difference if not the legal status of the substance?

And I haven't seen any improvement in addiction rates like they enjoy over
in Amsterdam.

I've not seen even the suggestion of any sort of control over any of these
allegedly controlled substances.

Not that it's really that simple but, given the choice, I'll take hospitals
and nursing homes reeking with the odor of marijuana over violent, dope
dealing street thugs trying to seduce my 14 year old daughter with
expensive trinkets and drugs any day you ask me.

Checked-by: Richard Lake
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