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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ann Landers: Cheap High Comes at a Great Cost
Title:Ann Landers: Cheap High Comes at a Great Cost
Published On:1999-01-20
Source:Ann Landers
Fetched On:2008-09-06 15:14:27


DEAR ANN: Yesterday, I attended the funeral of a 22-year-old man who left
behind a young daughter who will never know her father. He died because he
tried to get a cheap high with laughing gas (nitrous oxide). He was driving
at the time. When they pulled him out of the wreck, he still had the
balloon in his mouth. That's going to be a great story to tell his daughter
when she grows up.

At the time this man was dying, his two younger brothers were also out
getting high. Their older brother had told them how much fun it was to
inhale nitrous oxide. As if the parents don't have enough grief in their

Please tell your teenage readers to get high on life instead of killing
themselves with cheap thrills.


Crawfordville, Fla.

DEAR CRAWFORDVILLE: I have printed several letters in my column about the
dangers of inhalants, which include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), helium,
aerosols, paint, cleaning solvents and gasoline. Inhalants work directly on
the heart, the nervous system and other vital organs. The experts on the
subject have made it abundantly clear that inhalants can be both addictive
and deadly.

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, can produce permanent damage to the nervous
system -- this means the ability to see, hear, walk and talk. Helium, when
inhaled from a tank or used long term, can cause asphyxiation, permanent
brain damage, massive pulmonary hemorrhaging and death. The latest fad is
"whippets," which are canisters used to make whipped cream and sold in
gourmet and hardware stores.

Parents should discuss the dangers of inhalants with their children. They
should also be alert to obvious signs of inhalant abuse such as paint
stains on a child's hands or face; chemical odors on breath, clothing or
rags; the rapid disappearance of household aerosol or cleaning products. If
inhalant use is suspected, parents should contact their local substance
abuse or mental health program for help. Parents who want more information
can call the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition at 1-800-269-4237 for a
free video narrated by Deloris Jordan (Michael's mother).

DEAR ANN: I just read the letter from the woman who asked her daughter's
friends to do charitable good deeds rather than bring gifts to the girl's
birthday party. She said she didn't want her daughter to grow up to be
materialistic like the previous generation.

Well, OK, so her daughter won't be materialistic. Big deal. She will grow
up to be a good little socialist instead. I say let the kid get presents.
My generation may have been materialistic, but we aren't nearly as screwed
up as today's touchy-feely generation.

Hal in Texas

DEAR HAL: You're out of the loop. Touchy-feely is old hat. The trend is now
toward the materialistic and the acquisitive. Check the on-line crowd, and
you will see what computers have done to our society. There are so many
goodies to be had, and people want more of everything. Ralph Waldo Emerson
said it best: "Things are in the saddle and ride mankind." If Emerson came
back today, he would get an eyeful.

Write to Ann Landers in care of Silicon Valley Life, the Mercury News, 750
Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, Calif. 95190. Enclose an addressed, stamped
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