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News (Media Awareness Project) - Clinton Turns Focus To Mexico
Title:Clinton Turns Focus To Mexico
Published On:1999-02-14
Source:Chicago Tribune (IL)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 13:25:43

MEXICO CITY -- When the Zedillo administration got word that President
Clinton was coming to Mexico for a "working visit" this weekend, the
first question some officials asked was, "Why?"

Not that Clinton is unwelcome here.

The U.S. and Mexico have generally good relations, and other than the
annual question of whether Mexico will be certified as a partner in
the war on illegal drugs, there are no pressing issues that require a
visit by the world's most powerful leader.

What then, some wondered, would bring Clinton to Mexico, and for less
than 24 hours?

The trip was planned before Friday's impeachment vote was scheduled in
the Senate. Clinton and President Ernesto Zedillo have a longstanding
agreement to meet every six months. They last met in the U.S. in June
following a session at the United Nations.

But some analysts suggest now that the Senate has voted not to remove
the president from office, the White House is bent on showing the
American people and the world that Clinton is very much in control of
his own agenda.

"He wants to get the focus back . . . by looking presidential," said
John Bailey, a political scientist who studies Mexican politics at
Georgetown University.

Consequently, said Bailey, "He'll be seen doing foreign policy

Over the years, Mexican government officials say, Clinton and Zedillo
have established a good working relationship. It was Clinton who
helped push a bailout package of Mexico after the peso's value plunged
in December 1994, dragging the nation into economic chaos.

Clinton is widely seen as a champion of Mexico's interests, especially
in certifying every spring that Mexico is doing its part in the war on
illegal drugs and is therefore eligible for U.S. aid, which amounted
to $40 million in 1997.

Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton are scheduled to arrive
Sunday evening in Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula.

On Monday, Clinton and Zedillo are scheduled to meet privately for an
hour before opening up the session to other officials. The president
and Mrs. Clinton are to fly back to Washington in the afternoon.

Clinton initially had planned to visit hurricane-ravaged Central
America on this trip as well, but delayed it until next month.

Mike Hammer, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said the
meeting would touch on a host of issues.

"In essence," he said, "we try to maintain a close relationship with
Mexico and we have a wide range of issues for the trip," including "a
review of NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), which has
been a very successful treaty, and migration issues."

Hammer said there is growing concern in Washington and Mexico City at
the number of migrants passing through Mexico on the way to the U.S.,
a result of the damage from Hurricane Mitch in Central America last

Hammer said some environmental issues would be discussed, especially
in the border area. "General law-enforcement issues" will round out
the agenda, he said.

By March 1, Clinton must certify to Congress that Mexico is "fully
cooperating" in the drug war. The White House, however, said no action
would be taken until Secretary of State Madeleine Albright makes a
recommendation, expected within the next two weeks.

Every year, Mexican officials bristle when the certification issue
arises. Many view the process as hypocritical, given the United
States' high demand for illegal drugs.
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