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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: OPED: 'Give Them Dirty Needles and Let Them Die'
Title:US: Web: OPED: 'Give Them Dirty Needles and Let Them Die'
Published On:2006-08-17
Source:AlterNet (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-13 05:23:56

Needle Exchange Programs Are A Cheap And Effective Way
Of Preventing The Spread Of HIV, So Why Does The
Government's HIV-Prevention Plan Consist Only Of
Silence And Inaction?

"Give them all dirty needles and let them die." So said TV's Judge
Judy (Judy Sheindlin) on a trip to Australia in 1999 when she was
asked about allowing people who inject drugs to have access to sterile
syringes to prevent the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C and other
blood-borne diseases.

This obscene comment might be taken as the ranting of a single public
crank if it were not such a disturbing reflection of our federal
government's attitude.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the emergence of the HIV/AIDS

There has been much feel-good discussion and media coverage about how
far the United States has come in the battle against HIV/AIDS. But
there has been little discussion of the U.S. government's obstinate
refusal to adopt successful methods to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS
among people who inject drugs, their partners and children.

This refusal is ostensibly grounded in moral considerations.
Government opponents of syringe access programs say that such programs
condone drug use. The scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that
such programs do not encourage drug use--they actually save lives by
reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. In the face of this data, one can
only conclude that the government's failure to broadly implement such
programs is based not on a reluctance to condone "immoral" activity,
but on an immoral refusal to save the lives of people who engage in
activities of which the government does not approve.

In the United States, 22 percent of HIV infections are caused by the
sharing of contaminated syringes.

In other industrialized countries that implemented "sterile syringe
access" policies early on, the rate of HIV related to shared syringes
is much lower: Australia, 4 percent; United Kingdom, 6 percent; Canada
17 percent.

Yet the U.S. government remains determinedly opposed to such programs,
even going so far as to actively discourage their adoption abroad.

Recently Iran, at the urging of its public health officials, began
establishing syringe exchange programs--and expanding access to
methadone treatment--to combat its growing HIV/AIDS epidemic.

In doing so, Iran joined a growing list of developing countries
implementing such programs.

While this practical and effective response to a public health crisis,
coming from a highly ideological regime that places a priority on
enforcement of its moral code, came as a pleasant surprise to HIV/AIDS
prevention advocates around the world, it also caused them to wonder
how the United States could lag so far behind the rest of the word in
implementing this proven HIV/AIDS prevention strategy.

Every medical, scientific and professional body to study the issue has
concluded that access to sterile syringes reduces the spread of
HIV/AIDS. Organizations which support sterile syringe access include
the American Medical Association, the American Public Health
Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes
of Health Consensus Panel and the AIDS Advisory Commissions of the
first President Bush and President Clinton. In 2002, Surgeon General
David Satcher issued a report to Congress that concluded:

After reviewing all of the research to date, the senior scientists of
the Department and I have unanimously agreed that there is conclusive
scientific evidence that syringe exchange programs . . . are an
effective public health intervention that reduces the transmission of
HIV and does not encourage the use of illegal drugs.

The U.S. government's response to this mountain of scientific

Silence. Inaction. Implicit in that silence and inaction is the
sentiment, "Give them all dirty needles and let them die." How else to
interpret such a response when all the evidence indicates that with
little effort and little money--a clean syringe costs 10 cents,
life-time HIV/AIDS care for one person costs $195,000--the U.S.
government could be saving thousands of lives and preventing
incalculable suffering? Despite the evidence, an explicit ban on the
use of federal money for syringe exchange programs remains in place,
with the U.S. government having spent not one penny in 25 years on
such programs.

The United States is the only country in the world with such a

Fortunately, despite federal opposition and inaction, most states have
chosen to allow at least some access to sterile syringes.

As of 1999 there were more than 160 syringe exchange programs in 39
U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Forty-seven
states allow non-prescription sale of syringes in pharmacies. Only one
state, New Jersey, has no access whatsoever to clean needles to
prevent the spread of disease.

While these programs have been hampered by lack of federal funding and
leadership, they have been able to achieve some significant results in
cities and states where they have been given support.

In New York City, the rate of HIV among injection drug users was cut
in half between 1992 and 2002. Such successes are a powerful
indication of what could be achieved in terms of HIV/AIDS prevention
with federal support and leadership. They are also a devastating
indictment of the federal government's refusal to provide that support
and leadership.

Some of the coverage marking the 25th year of the epidemic reported on
the fear, hysteria and stigma that surrounded the disease in its early

Those who were diagnosed with HIV lived in terror that friends, loved
ones and employers might find out. People, even some medical
professionals, feared to touch those diagnosed with the disease.

Some religious congregations even expelled HIV-positive congregants.
There was talk of putting people with HIV/AIDS in concentration camps.

President Reagan, presiding over the early years of the epidemic,
refused to even say the word "AIDS" in public until the end of his
second term in office.

We pride ourselves that those dark days are long past. But are they?
How far have we really come? At least when it comes to preventing
HIV/AIDS among people who inject drugs, we have not come very far at
all. Our government defies logic and ignores science by refusing to
fund an HIV/AIDS prevention strategy that has saved thousand of lives
in other countries.

Our government turns its back on its most vulnerable citizens refusing
to allow them access to a life-saving health intervention. And you can
bet that our current president will not be saying the words "syringe
exchange" any time soon--if ever.

Twenty-five years into the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the U.S. government's
response to preventing HIV/AIDS among people who inject drugs, their
partners and children is still "give them all dirty needles and let
them die."

Roseanne Scotti is the director of Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey.
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