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News (Media Awareness Project) - Analysis and Commentary from marijuananewscom
Title:Analysis and Commentary from marijuananewscom
Published On:1999-04-29
Fetched On:2008-09-06 07:29:28
Postings For April 28, 1999:

Former Head Of NIDA Sort of Calls For Medical Marijuana Tests in
Washington Post Op-ed. Taking Care Of the Prohibitionist Party Line.
Not the Patients.

Decrim Bill Introduced In Canadian Parliament – By Member of A
Conservative Opposition Party!

Transcript Of Recent Medical Marijuana Debate In Canadian Parliament Shows
Real Concern About The Issues, In Contrast To The DEAland Congressional
Record. But Doctor Spouts Party Line.

Most Nations Permit Growing of Industrial Hemp -- "The United States
is an island of denial in a sea of acceptance." Scathing Criticism Of
Prohibitionist Opposition To Hemp In Knoxville Paper

New Zealand Police Cannot Ban High Times Magazine

Postings For April 27, 1999:

When The Partnership For A Marijuana-Free America Speaks, The Media For A
Marijuana-Free America Parrots.

Widely Reported Press Release About Kids and "Drugs" Mentions
Marijuana 29 Times, Alcohol 0!

Emphasis On Marijuana Precludes Realistically Measuring Success of
Drug Czar’s Ad Campaign.

Prohibitionist Propaganda Supposedly Aimed At Children Really Aimed At Adults.

California Medical Marijuana Task Force Organized By Lockyer Pushes Ahead

California Libertarian Party Launches Web Site, 215Now.com,

Calling For Implementation of Medical Marijuana Initiative In Response
to Kubby Arrest.

Postings For April 26, 1999:

Favorable Reaction By Prohibitionist Canadian Press and Police To
Chiefs’ Recommendation

To "Decriminalize" Marijuana Bodes Well – Cover For The Politicians – 2

Depressed Commodity Prices Cause Explosion In Western Canadian Hemp
Planting – Too Much Too Soon?

Now The Oregon Farmers Wanting to Grow Hemp Run Into Opposition From
Narcs -- Very Good Article

Leading Scottish Paper Covers Debate On Prohibition – The Tories Sell Out
Freedom As The Police Begin To Defend It. Very Strange. -- 3 Articles

Swiss Proposal To Legalize and Regulate Sale of Cannabis Driven By
Realism, Not Libertarianism
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