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Title:Hot Off The 'Net
Published On:1999-06-12
Source:DrugSense Weekly and FOCUS Alerts
Fetched On:2008-09-06 04:16:13

Below: are some of the tips from the last few months:


ENDCS Drug Strategy "Short Version" now On-line and Printable

The Excellent (but lengthy) Effective National Drug Control Strategy
(ENDCS) prepared by Common Sense for Drug Policy has been reduced to a
shortened 4 page "pull out" version suitable for faxing, emailing or
mailing to politicians, media types or whatever. The ever productive
DrugSense Webmaster Matt Elrod has made this handy tool available in
printable format on-line. Using Adobe Acrobat you simply open up the
URL below and print it out. Alternately share the web page with your
contact of choice.


DrugSense Offers a Newer, Better, and More User Friendly Chat Room

Using the new DrugSense Chat Room Service participants can make "rooms"
within the chat and the rooms can be public or private. Additionally,
participants can be added to a "group" and rooms can be made off limits
to anyone not in that group.

We hope you will find many uses for this new feature for "live" real
time discussions It can be used for everything from state or issue
based group discussion to board or strategy meetings.


The scheduled activist chat starts at about 9:00 p.m on Saturday and Sunday
night Eastern time or 6 p.m. Pacifiic.

U.S. Incarceration Rates


The Kubby Files - Updated Web pages

The all new Java-powered web site,"THE KUBBY FILES," is on-line now
at: http://www.kubby.com/

As many of you know, Amnesty International has finally taken on the
prison-industrial complex in the United States in their Rights for All
campaign. A core segment of their message in each of their reports has been
how the war on drugs contributes to the human rights abuses of prisoners.

These are courageous steps for AI to take, both because attacking the US as
a human rights abuser can alienate its US members and because any
dissension of the drug war encourages ideological opponents to attack AI's

Amnesty's support for prison-reform and their message about the impact of
the drug war is important, because AI's message is heard and promoted
throughout the social-justice community. (High school civics classes
regularly engage in Amnesty International campaigns). However, if domestic
criticism is heavy enough, and there is little vocal support for AI's work,
there is a chance that they will simply stop working on US issues.

In order to let Amnesty know that their work is valuable and supported, the
November Coalition is organizing a campaign to acknowledge Amnesty's good
work. Please visit our site at: http://www.november.org/ai/

Fill out the form and add whatever comments you would like. Hard copies of
the letters of support will be printed at the November Coalition's
headquarters and mailed to Amnesty International's director of campaigns.

If you would like to read the on-line versions of Amnesty's excellent
documentation of human rights abuses within the US prison system, please
visit: http://www.amnesty-usa.org/rightsforall/index.html

Best regards,
Paul Lewin

Dear DrugSense,

Your site is a treasure of information and great inspiration to all.

I just added a link to you on my site, http://www.tixe.com/ TIXE
(rhymes with Types) is dedicated to assisting in the defense of persons
accused of drug crimes. We consult with defense counsel in jury
selection and persuasion.

Keep up the good work!
John Lopker
TIXE Trial Consulting

Eric Sterling writes:

I am forwarding the URL for Sam Smith's Progressive Review. I suggest
adding it to your bookmark or favorite places list or subscribing to
his email newsletter.


Great Site Compiling Medicinal Marijuana Science Findings

Thanks to Darral Good for informing us of this site:


Chuck Thomas of MPP informs us:

It's finally done -- MPP's compilation of the best excerpts from the
Institute of Medicine's medicinal marijuana report. You can find it at

Alice O'Leary writes:

Your readers might also enjoying visiting our website which has
excerpts from our new book "Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for
Medicinal Pot." (Thunder's Mouth Press: ISBN 1-56025-166-2) These
excerpts include the Foreword by Lyn Nofziger, former deputy chairman
of the Republican National Committee.

The address is http://www.marijuana-as-medicine.org

Hot Site! Steve Young's On-line Book "Maximizing Harm"

Steve Young has been writing a book and now has a draft of book ready
for people to at the website below. We found it to be a really
outstanding compilation of web based facts and a excellent indictment
of the drug war. It is well sourced and is loaded with links to
pertinent facts.


The book is called Maximizing Harm and it's supposed to be a simple
introduction to the main issues in the drug war: Why it must fail; who
loses; who wins; why it doesn't just stop; and ways people are
challenging it. This is not final draft of the book, but Steve is at a
point where he would like some feedback and ideas.

DrugSense Hosts MarijuanaNews.com

DrugSense is proud to announce that it has become the host of and now
provides the web resources for MarijuanaNews.com at

This important site, created and run by Richard Cowan, provides a great
resource for marijuana news, issues and comment. We are delighted to be
able to offer this support.

Peter McWilliams writes:

I have opened Online the McWilliams Mall, a place where you can buy
practically anything. Please browse around and see the range of stores,
and the next time you're in the market for something, kindly buy it at
the McWilliams Mall. It will cost you no more than if you visited that
store directly, and I'll get a percentage. (This will help to defend
the legal MMJ case against McWilliams)

If you have a web page and can post a link to the McWilliams Mall, that
would be most appreciated.


War on Drugs Clock a Good Way to Make a Quick Point

The War on Drugs Clock at: http://www.drugsense.org/wodclock.htm
is a great way to quickly make a point to those who are uninformed
about the devastating impact drug policy is having on our country.

A great way to spend a little free time is to go to the media email
list at http://www.mapinc.org/resource/email.htm then select some
newspaper email addresses and send off a short note something like this:

Would you like to see billions of dollars and thousands of lives going
down the drain as you watch? Please visit the "War on Drugs" Clock at:

Family Watch Announces On-line Bookstore

For your convenience, Family Watch has compiled drug policy books
on-line. Visit http://www.FamilyWatch.org then select "Bibliography."
You may securely order the books on-line for a discounted price.

Conservatives for Reform Web Site

Some may this new web site. They are starting a media campaign against
the drug war from a conservative libertarian perspective.


Four Letters to the Editor in the Wall Street Journal $18,000 for Reform
YOU can do it too!

On Tuesday March 23 MAP sent out a Focus Alert responding to an article
by Joe Califano in the Wall Street Journal on the IOM report. Scores of
MAP letter writers went into action. Predictably On Wed March 31 four
of these LTEs were published.

The Wall Street Journal has a circulation of 2 MILLION influential
readers and this group of LTEs had an ad value of over $18,000. YOU can
help increase our influence and reach. To learn how to write powerful
letters that get ink please see:

http://www.mapinc.org/style.htm and http://www.mapinc.org/3tips.htm

If you are not signed up to participate in MAP Focus Alerts and would
like to be see http://www.drugsense.org/hurry.htm

Please encourage others to get involved as well. Letter writing
(especially organized efforts) may be the most effective activity one
can engage in on a regular and inexpensive basis to bring about needed

The Effective National Drug Control Strategy is on line at:


It is linked directly off of http://www.csdp.org to allow a quick and
easy to remember URL and www.DrugSense.org has a prominent link to it
as well.

Hearty congratulations to Kevin Zeese, Common Sense for Drug Policy and
all those who cooperated in creating this important document.

New CSDP web page

Common Sense for Drug Policy and DrugSense have collaborated to create
a CSDP web page. It is well worth a visit. It includes the full text of
the powerful "Effective National Drug Control Strategy" that has been
created by Kevin Zeese and many other NRG members. It also includes the
"Drug War Facts" collection and many other research and informational
tools. Take a look:


DS: What is your favorite website, besides the MAP/DrugSense sites?

The November Coalition website http://www.november.org/ and the FEAR
website at http://www.fear.org/

MMJ Class Action Suit Transcript On-line

Carl Olsen has posted the text of the March 3 hearing on the medical
marijuana class suit action at:


Politically Incorrect with Califano/Jackson On-Line

CRRH has posted a RealVideo version of "Politically Incorrect, with
Bill Maher." This March 8, 1999 show is a debate about marijuana.
Singer Dave Matthews and comedienne Elayne Boosler join Bill Maher in
debating in favor of cannabis against Joseph Califano and Earl Jackson.
17 minutes, 19 seconds. The video is located at:


The "Land of the Free" Is Number One in Imprisoning its Citizens

All major Western European nations' incarceration rates are about or
below 100 per 100,000. In the United States, in 1995, the incarceration
rate for African-American women was 456 per 100,000, and for
African-American men 6,926 per 100,000.

Source: Currie, E., Crime and Punishment in America, New York, NY:
Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, Inc. (1998), p. 15; Bureau
of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1996,
Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1997), p. 510, Table

See the entire collection of Drug War Facts at:

Thanks to Jim Rosenfield for this heads up:

Prof. Charles Whitebread's History of Non-medical Drugs in the U.S. is now
available full text as well as in Real Audio at http://www.tfy.org/ as well
as at http://www.freecannabis.org/

Yet Another Full Page Ad in The New Republic

You can view a copy of the current Common Sense ad which appears in the
New Republic. The ad focuses on Joe Califano's Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse and asks whether Columbia University is compromising
its integrity and prestige to be associated with them.

The ad can be viewed at: http://www.drugsense.org/ads/ along with the
other Common Sense ads.

Matt Elrod Advises:

Our search engine at http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/ will allow you to
do phrase *title* searching by putting dots between your keywords.
This is an undocumented feature I wrote myself. For instance, if you
wanted to find articles containing "School of the Americas" in the
title/subject, then you would search for:


It is important to note that this works for title searches only but can
be quite handy in a number of situations.


Founded by Kendra Wright, Family Watch is a network of groups and
individuals concerned about the impact of drug policy on families, women
and children. The goals of the network are to increase communication,
identify opportunities for collaboration and strengthen each of our voices
by joining together in a call for change. They aim to push issues related
to families, women and children to the forefront of the drug policy debate,
and help create progressive policies which preserve the health and
well-being of the family unit and each of its individual members,
particularly the children.

Website: http://www.familywatch.org/

The hottest breaking drug related news stories are constantly updated and
available with just a few mouse clicks. Stay aware and informed and when
you feel strongly about an article write a letter to the editor.

See http://www.drugsense.org/ or http://www.mapinc.org/

Both of the above web sites have received numerous awards and
recognition. The latest is from STANTON PEELE who gives it his highest
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