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News (Media Awareness Project) - Items Added to the MAP News Archives
Title:Items Added to the MAP News Archives
Published On:1999-06-28
Source:The Clipping Service of MAP
Fetched On:2008-09-06 03:13:43
Dear Readers,

Your editing/posting team now has the ability to add items directly to the
archives, passing by the email versions of the news. As our volunteers have
the time, we may add some items that were published a while back, but
belong in the archives for research purposes.

We have just added the following three articles published in 1998 and
written by Daniel Forbes:

The Brandweek article 'Drug Money' at

"This is your Ad Campaign on Tax Money. Any Questions?"

'The Partnership's Protest'

These were added at the author's request, and also so that they could be
linked from the new website Partnership for Drug-policy Facts and
Alternatives at

Richard Lake
Sr. Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
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