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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Extra Drug-War Funds Urged For Latin America
Title:US: Extra Drug-War Funds Urged For Latin America
Published On:1999-07-17
Source:Miami Herald (FL)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 01:52:59
Extra drug-war funds urged for Latin America

WASHINGTON -- Responding to an ``emergency situation'' in Colombia, drug
czar Barry McCaffrey has begun a push within the Clinton administration for
an additional $1 billion in aid for the drug war in Latin America, with
most of the money going to war-torn Colombia.

``The level of aid to date is inadequate,'' said McCaffrey at a press
conference Friday after meeting here with Colombia's top two military
leaders. ``As to what size the [increase] should be, that will be up to a
dialogue within the executive branch and Congress.''

But in a July 13 ``dear Madeleine'' letter, McCaffrey was much more
specific in seeking Secretary of State Albright's support for a new package
of assistance. The drug czar warned that unreleased CIA reports will show a
big increase in coca production this year, ``eroding gains made'' in the
drug war.

``This is a near-crisis situation,'' McCaffrey said. ``Colombia is facing
an enormous internal threat.''

Noting that drug profits are fueling the guerrilla war in Colombia, where
pitched battles were fought this month, McCaffrey sent Albright a five-page
memo that suggests how $570 million in new aid to Colombia could be spent:
$360 million for stepped-up efforts in crop-growing areas in southern
Colombia; $130 million for air interdiction; $20 million for the judiciary
and legal system, and $60 million for nationwide law enforcement.

In addition, McCaffrey's proposal suggests $430 million for regional
drug-fighting efforts, upgraded technology for U.S. forces and expanded
economic aid to provide alternatives to coca farmers.

McCaffrey's aid proposal has been discussed by State Department and
National Security Council officials, but it was unclear Friday if the
administration would press for such a big increase in assistance -- or how
Congress would receive it.

The Republican leadership in Congress has emphasized more spending on
military hardware and drug eradication, with a $600 million two-year
allocation last fall that includes six Blackhawk helicopters due to arrive
in Colombia in September. Colombia now ranks third behind Israel and Egypt
as a recipient of military aid.

Additional aid ``shouldn't necessarily fund more helicopters,'' said
McCaffrey, who will visit Colombia July 25. ``Economic development and
training and support for the judiciary are very important.''

Another sensitive issue facing U.S. officials is whether increased military
aid will not only target drug traffickers but help the Colombian military
combat a huge threat from guerrilla groups that control about 40 percent of
the country. Guerrillas launched bloody attacks near Bogota in the last week.

Before conferring with McCaffrey, Colombian Defense Minister Luis Fernando
Ramirez and Gen. Fernando Tapias met with congressional leaders this week,
including Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla. They asked for $500 million in new U.S.
aid over two years to combat traffickers -- and the guerrillas often allied
with them.

The military leaders also said they would need the aid if long-delayed
peace talks, due to start next week, break down.

McCaffrey said it was ``silly at this point'' to try to differentiate
between anti-drug efforts and the war against insurgent groups because
traffickers and guerrillas work together. A GAO report last month said that
was making it more difficult for U.S. officials to share anti-drug
intelligence with Colombian officials without also affecting the guerrilla

Some human rights backers and advocates for more economic aid to Latin
America worry that a big increase in military aid may draw the United
States further into the conflict and divert attention from abuses by
paramilitary groups.

``If we're investing in the Colombian army, we're investing in that war,
and that's a real concern,'' said Lisa Haugaard, legislative coordinator
for the Latin America Working Group, a coalition of church and charitable

Her group supports more help for Colombia's huge internal refugee population.
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