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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Column: Lockyer Takes On Prison Guards And Loses
Title:US CA: Column: Lockyer Takes On Prison Guards And Loses
Published On:1999-07-23
Source:Orange County Register (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 01:33:17

Sacramento-Just about a year ago,then-Attorney General Dan Lungren and some
of his top prosecutors visited the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee to
complain about an editorial. The Bee had criticized what it called a
lackluster state investigation into a series of spectacular abuses by
correctional peace officers against prison inmates at Corcoran State Prison.

Over a seven-year period, guards killed or wounded some 50 inmates in the
deadliest prison in America. Others were set against each other in
gladiator-style fights.

Lungren made a number of useful points that day about the challenges of
obtaining convictions against abusive guards who committed criminal acts.
Among them was dealing with the California Correctional Peace Officers'
Association, one of the state's most powerful unions, which aggressively
defended its members.

Another was that district attorneys in small, rural counties, where many
state prisons are located, often lack the resources to mount complicated
prosecutions. Juries often lack the will to cross the biggest institution in
their community. And when DAs do prosecute, sometimes the CCPOA gets even.

A dew weeks later came state legislative hearings into the Corcoran prison
incidents. Former Kings County District Attorney Greg Stickland, who
unsuccessfully prosecuted several guards and convened a grand jury to
investigate other, testified that at the next election the CCPOA spent
nearly $30,000 on his opponent's behalf and helped remove him from office.
The prison guards' union said it backed his opponent because Strickland was

To cure this problem, state Sen. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, wrote SB 451, which
would have given the attorney general authority to take over prosecutions
where local DAs lack the manpower or the will.

The California District Attorneys' Association supported the bill, which
passed out of the Senate on a two-thirds vote. But it died last week in the
Assembly Public Safety Committee. Calling SB 451 its top priority "kill" for
the year and arguing that it was unnecessary, the correctional officers'
union heavily lobbied every member of the committee to vote against it.

What made the hearing extraordinary was the degree to which Attorney General
Bill Lockyer advocated for the bill, laid out the politics and made
explicit - in ways not often heard by politicians in the state Capitol -
just how the special-interest money game is played.

Lockyer, a pro-labor Democrat, and Lungren, a conservative Republican, don't
agree on much. But both, a year apart, saw the need for the attorney
general's office to be involved.

Almost as notable was the way members of both parties proved Lockyer's
point, currying favor with the wealthy union by doing its legislative
bidding. Four Assembly members who directed hostile questions at Lockyer and
Schiff are running for the state Senate next year: Democrat Carl Washington
and Republicans Jim Battin, Jim Cuneen and Rico Oller. All no doubt would
love to get their share of CCPOA boodle.

Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, who is close to Speaker Antonio
Villaraigosa, voted against the bill, as did committee chairman Mike Honda,
D-San Jose.

Last year, the CCPOA spent more than $2 million on Gov. Gray Davis' behalf
alone, running ads for him up and down the Central Valley. The union also
supported Republican Dave Stirling against Lockyer, which certainly
"liberated" Lockyer. It's not clear what signals, if any, the governor's
office had sent on whether it would veto the bill, assuming it had survived.
Davis last week did attend a $3,000-a-person celebrity golf tournament
hosted by CCPOA.

"This year," Lockyer said in the hearing, "seven Corcoran cases were
referred to my office. They are six years old. I can almost guarantee the
outcome. There won't be anything that happens because the evidence is so
stale. ... Most peace officers are honest and ethical. But it distresses me
when unions I respect feel they have a duty to hide the bad apples from
public attention."

When Battin and Oller said they "resented" Lockyer's assertion that some
local DAs told him privately they lack the will to take on the guards' union
or even refer cases to his office, Lockyer said, "Others who get prosecuted
don't have a huge ... political action committee and run candidates against
the prosecutors. The Kings County DA got taken out by CCPOA. ... It doesn't
take many of those to know there is enormous political risk to even raise
this subject in public."

When Cuneen said legislators cast tough votes all the time against powerful
special interests, Lockyer said, "I'm here sticking my neck out trying to do
the same thing. I'd like some company."

In a later interview, he added, "The odor of special-interest cave-in is one
I am well qualified to identify."

Assembly Speaker Prp Tem Fred Keeley was one of just two Democrats to vote
for the bill. "If CCPOA weren't in on the play," Keeley said, "is there a
Democrat who doesn't think this is a good bill?"

That's a good question. At what price self-respect?
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