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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Editorial: Colombia: Another Vietnam?
Title:US: Editorial: Colombia: Another Vietnam?
Published On:1999-08-06
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-06 00:28:37

Attacking narcotics at their origin has been a tactic in the US "war against
drugs" ever since its inception in the 1980s. But the US is losing in its
most important battlefront: the rural areas of Colombia that produce cocaine
and heroin.

True, spraying has taken vast acres out of production. But farmers just
relocate, often with the protection of Colombia's leftist guerrillas. The
guerrillas earn some $600 million a year "taxing" drug production and
guarding cartel labs and airstrips.

As Colombia's war turns nasty, can Washington separate fighting drug
traffickers from fighting an insurgency against a weak government?

The prospect of the United States being sucked into another civil war raises
red flags. Memories of Washington's controversial role in Central America's
conflicts during the cold war resurface. A Vietnam-like quagmire could loom
if missteps are made.

Increased aid to Colombia's Army, as distinct from the police forces that do
most antinarcotics work, would raise an outcry, given the Army's ties to
vicious paramilitary forces.

Yet the US clearly has an interest in helping Colombia settle its civil
conflict, curb drug production, and preserve its frail democracy. A
continued slide toward lawlessness will only increase the drug flows

A breakdown of civic order, exemplified by frequent kidnappings by both
paramilitaries and guerrillas, is teaming with a diving economy to drive
Colombians from their country. In the first four months of this year, an
estimated 65,000 fled, and the ultimate destination for many, of course, is
the US border.

Under these circumstances, US aid to Colombian security forces should
increase, but the focus should stay on narcotics. One innovative step is the
recent creation of a small, elite Army unit, with US-provided training and
equipment, devoted to antidrug work. If the unit strengthens the offensive
against drug producers, good. But any pressure on the guerrillas should be
indirect. We don't want another incident like that in Somalia where US
soldiers were killed in 1993 after overreaching their mission.

Attacks by the two main guerrilla armies have intensified of late, even as
President Andres Pastrana has tried to open negotiations with the larger of
the two. The guerrillas' ample drug income and the government's tactic of
virtually ceding them a chunk of the countryside give them little incentive
to talk. A more effective antinarcotics campaign, threatening their
financial lifeline, could change that.

As Washington rethinks its actions toward Colombia, it shouldn't neglect
that other front in the antidrug war: reducing the demand for illicit drugs
at home. A greater investment in drug education, antidrug advertising, and
treatment in US communities could have a payoff as far away as Bogota.
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