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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Political Cartoon: Drug Rehabilitation Center
Title:US CA: Political Cartoon: Drug Rehabilitation Center
Published On:1999-08-13
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 23:45:54
Note: The MAP news clipping service is text based, and archived in a
searchable database. While this has powerful advantages for those doing
research, it does create limits. No graphics. And a policy of not linking
to individual items on media websites, because they are seldom good links
when a researcher finds the item in our archives months or years later.
Still, political cartoons are an important part of the discussion of drug
policy. Thus when a newshawk provides a link to a political cartoon on a
website where it is more likely to stay for a while, we will provide the link.

Our newshawk writes:

Sometimes the L.A. Times' Paul Conrad draws a political cartoon that really
capsulizes a situation. His title today is "DRUG REHABILITATION CENTER"
and the sketch is of a US map drawn as a jail cell with murky figures
behind the bars. See today's Conrad at:

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