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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: It Is Time To Admit The War On Drugs Has Failed
Title:US: It Is Time To Admit The War On Drugs Has Failed
Published On:1999-10-08
Source:Reason Magazine (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 18:30:57
NOTE: This advertisement appeared in the National Review, the
The New Republic, the Weekly Standard, The Nation, Reason Magazine,
The Progressive and Mother Jones in issues which reached news stands
in Sep and Oct 1999. A better example of the ad may be seen at:


Law enforcement has done its job well -- with record seizures, arrests and
incarceration. Despite this success, drugs are more available, less
expensive and more potent.

Law enforcement cannot solve the public health problem of drug abuse.

It is time for an effective strategy that will:

Provide sufficient funding for after school programs and activity programs
to meet the needs of America's youth.

Provide sufficient funding to make treatment on request a reality within
the next three years.

Treatment is the most cost-effective way of reducing drug abuse.

Provide sufficient funding to stem the health emergencies of HIV/ AIDS and
Hepatitis C. These epidemics threaten not only drug users but all Americans.

Evaluate current drug enforcement spending to ensure it is effective and
provide sufficient funding for alternatives to incarceration for
non-violent, Iow-level drug offenders.

Examine the racially disproportionate impact of current drug policy as well
as its adverse effects on women, especially poor women and their families.

Hold international and domestic drug law enforcement funding at current
levels until they prove their effectiveness. Law enforcement has had
massive funding increases over the last two decades without any proof of

Undertake an examination of current drug polices to access its impact and
develop alternatives where necessary.

Funding must be shifted away from interdiction and incarceration - towards
treatment and prevention.

Organizations Concerned with Impact of Drug Policy:

Advocates for Youth * Afrikan American Institute for Policy Studies and
Planning * AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth and Families * American
Civil Liberties Union * American College of Nurse Midwives * American
Medical Student Association * American Medical Women's Association *
American Psychological Association * Association of Maternal and Child
Health Programs * Association of Reproductive Health Professionals *
Association of Schools of Public Health * A Better Bronx for Youth
Consortium * Campaign for Effective Crime Policy * Center for Women Policy
Studies * Correctional Association of New York * Criminal Justice Policy
Foundation * DC Prisoner's Legal Services Project * Disciples Advocacy
Washington Network of the Christian Church * Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, Division for Governmental Affairs * Federation of Families for
Children's Mental Health * Institute for Policy Studies * Justice Policy
Institute * Juvenile Law Center * Latino Commission on AIDS * National
Advocates for Pregnant Women, Women's Law Project * National AIDS Fund *
National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health * National
Association of People with AIDS * National Association of School
Psychologists * NAACP * National Black Police Association * National Black
Women's Health Project * National Center on Institutions and Alternatives *
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health * National LLEGO *
National Mental Health Association * National Organization for Women
Foundation * National Women's Health Network * Prisoner's Legal Services of
New York * Rainbow PUSH Coalition * Service Employees International Union,
AFL-CIO * Unitarian Universalist Association * The United Methodist Church,
General Board of Church and Society * US Student Association * Vocational
Instruction Project * Volunteers of America * WAVE for Kids * Whitman
Walker Clinic * Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual * YWCA of
the USA

Drug Policy Specialists:

Common Sense for Drug Policy * Drug Reform Coordination Network *
DrugSense * Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii * Drug Policy Forum of Texas * Drug
Policy Foundation * Drug Policy Reform Group of Minnesota * Family Council
on Drug Awareness * Family Watch * Efficacy * Harm Reduction Coalition *
Human Rights and the Drug War * The Lindesmith Center * Marijuana Policy
Project * Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse * Multidisciplinary Association
for Psychedelic Studies * National Alliance of Methadone Advocates *
National Association for Public Health Policy, Council on Illicit Drugs *
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws * New Mexico Drug
Policy Foundation * North American Syringe Exchange Network * November
Coalition * Patients Out of Time * ReconsiDer Forum on Drug Policy *
Research and Policy Reform Center * St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction

For a complete copy of the recommendations of the National Coalition for
Effective Drug Policies contact us at: 703-354-9050 or info@csdp.org
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