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News (Media Awareness Project) - UPDATE on OPED - US Temper Tantrums No Help To Besieged
Title:UPDATE on OPED - US Temper Tantrums No Help To Besieged
Published On:1999-10-18
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 17:33:32
Note: Although rare, sometimes items are posted to newspaper websites
before they reach print.

Our newshawk writes, after seeing the print edition: I'm sorry to have to
report that this excellent piece by James Bovard never did appear in the
print edition of the Chronicle, and I'm assuming now that it never will.
Another indication that the guy in charge of the website is even more on
our side than the guys responsible for the op-ed page.

MAP has elected to leave the item in it's archives - simply pointing out
that it never was published. It is at:

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