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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: Maryland Pioneers Way To Keep Ex-cons Straight
Title:US MD: Maryland Pioneers Way To Keep Ex-cons Straight
Published On:2000-01-10
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 07:01:02

In Controversial Move, The State Uses Drug Tests And Treatment For Those On

Chanta Whiting knows that if she trips up she could end up back in
jail - in a flash. It happened once before.

A recovering heroin addict, she's on parole for stealing a car after
violating parole for dealing drugs. But this time, she's determined to
stay straight - and the criminal-justice system is giving her a stern,
but helping hand.

Twice a week, the tough, street-smart Ms. Whiting, who started using
cocaine at age 13, is required to take a drug test. If she fails, she
knows she'll face an immediate sanction, but she will also get
increased help in the form of more intensive drug treatment, if that's
what she needs.

"I'm working on keeping my freedom," she says. "I see it every day,
and I don't want to loose it."

Whiting is a beneficiary of the quiet revolution under way in
America's criminal-justice system - a revival of the idea that
offenders can be rehabilitated. At its heart is the notion that drug
treatment is a primary key to helping them turn around their lives,
even if it's coerced - a notion unheard of just five years ago.

Across the country, state and federal prisons are increasingly
offering and, in many cases, requiring drug treatment for the 75 to 80
percent of the prison population that is drug addicted.

Coerced Treatment

But a handful of states, including Maryland, are also taking a new,
sometimes controversial tack. They're combining intensive drug testing
with tough sanctions and increased treatment services.

The Maryland program, one of the first in the country to try to go
statewide, is called Break the Cycle. A preliminary study to be
released in February has found it to be effective in helping offenders
like Whiting stay on the straight and narrow.

"There's a growing recognition that we've gotten out of the 'lock 'em
up' philosophy," says Faye Taxman, Bureau of Governmental Research
director at the University of Maryland, in College Park. "What
Maryland is doing is combing the rehabilitative and the punitive
approaches in a way that is seamless, not just haphazard."

Maryland started experimenting with alternatives to incarceration
several years ago. A pilot program combined all of the state parole
and probation services - from boot camps to home detention to drug
treatment to education, all under one roof.

Called the Correctional Options Program (COP), offenders and their
probation officers together choose the most appropriate punishment and
treatment. And like Whiting, all of the 3,000 offenders in COP are
initially drug tested twice a week.

The longer they stay clean, the more freedom they're given and the
fewer tests they have to take. But one failed urine test will bring an
immediate sanction, in the form of increased supervision, testing, and
treatment. In extreme cases - like Whiting's, when she dropped out of
treatment and stole a car - it can bring jail.

"Research has shown that coerced treatment does work, and that testing
as a part of treatment creates accountability, especially when there's
an immediate sanction [with] failure," says Rick Faulkner of the
National Institute of Correction.

For those on Maryland's front line, COP required a complete change in
the way they related to offenders - and a lot more work. But many,
like probation officer Joanne Gamble, say the approach is long
overdue: "The various options ... give them a fighting chance, as
opposed to just going back to prison."

A National Council on Crime and Delinquency study found that
recidivism was cut in half after a year. State officials were so
impressed that they expanded COP last year. The goal is to involve all
25,000 of the state's drug-addicted parolees and probationers.

"We will be the first state in the US to go to a very sophisticated,
very strict level of supervision for every drug-addicted offender,"
backing it up with treatment and sanctions, says Leonard Sipes of the
Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

Growing Pains

But there have been growing pains. Because of the increased workload
for probation and parole officers, some offenders who fail urine tests
aren't getting the immediate sanction that theoretically is so crucial
in making coerced treatment work well.

"The sanctions are the hardest piece to put in place ... because
you're asking people to change their work habits, how they talk to
people," says Ms. Taxman. "It's basically moving from a reactive to a
proactive system."

Taxman's study of the first 19,000 offenders in the program shows that
it is having an impact. At the start, 34 percent tested positive for
drug use. At the end of 60 days, that dropped to 14 percent - a 54
percent decrease.

Michigan, which has had extensive drug testing in its prisons for
several decades, also started a similar program for its parolees. If
offenders fails a drug test, they are sent to jail immediately for
three days. Studies there show the number of offenders who tested
positive for drugs dropped from 20 percent to 2 percent.

"We think the strategy proves that people can exercise control over
their drug usage and learn how to manage it in a coercive
environment," says Tom Combs of the Michigan Department of
Corrections, in Lansing.

He touts the fact that people are able to remain in the community, use
out-patient treatment, and keep their jobs.

Many critics of coercive treatment doubt whether the offenders will be
able to remain drug-free after they're released from the strict
supervision and testing. They believe the change must come from within
the person.

Chanta Whiting has mixed feelings. She's working on a General
Equivalency Diploma and a tractor-trailer license. Ultimately, she'd
like to work with computers. And as much as she's grateful for the
initial push that put her on the track to a straight life, she knows
the rest of it is up to her.

"Nobody can give it to you on a silver platter. It takes a lot of
work," she smiles. "But it pays off in the long run, that I know."
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