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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: Colombian Rebels Resume Attacks
Title:Colombia: Colombian Rebels Resume Attacks
Published On:2000-01-13
Source:Washington Post (DC)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 06:45:37

BOGOTA, Colombia, Jan. 12-Ending a 20-day holiday truce, Marxist-led
Colombian guerrillas launched simultaneous attacks on four southern towns
Tuesday, laying waste three police headquarters, part of a mayor's office
and a bank, the government reported today.

The attacks--carried out by 300 members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), Colombia's largest guerrilla group--left three policemen
and a civilian dead, officials said. Army troops repelled the guerrillas in
a counterattack, killing more than 20 rebel combatants, the military

The renewed rebel attacks coincided with a Clinton administration proposal
to provide $1.3 billion in additional aid over two years to help this Andean
nation fight the guerrillas--who authorities say earn millions of dollars
protecting drug traffickers in the large section of the country under their

Colombia has already been allocated almost $300 million in U.S. aid,
bringing the two-year total to $1.6 billion in what the administration has
said is a firm commitment to help President Andres Pastrana's government
combat the flow of Colombian cocaine and heroin to the United States. The
new aid money makes the country the third-largest recipient of U.S. military
assistance, behind Israel and Egypt.

Further underlining the U.S. commitment, Secretary of State Madeleine K.
Albright has scheduled a visit here this weekend to discuss the new aid

Pastrana "has a strategy that he believes makes sense for . . . addressing
the drug problem," said White House spokesman Joe Lockhart. "We have an
interest in helping them do that because of our own national security

The attacks Tuesday occurred in the state of Narino, a mountainous region
along the Ecuadorian border known for its vast opium poppy and coca fields,
the raw materials for heroin and cocaine.

The rebels had been dormant since Dec. 20, complying with a government
request for a Christmas cease-fire. Peace talks are scheduled to resume

Both the U.S. and the Colombian governments have said the country's 15,000
FARC guerrillas have financed much of their 35-year-old campaign by taxing
drug traffickers, processors and farmers who grow the coca and opium
poppies. U.S. officials have said that their main goal is to stanch the flow
of drugs but that U.S. assistance can also be used to combat the guerrillas
to the extent their activities help the drug trade or hinder attempts to
rein it in.

The southern portion of the country is the main target area for these
efforts. Most of the U.S. money would go toward training three more army
anti-drug battalions and providing Colombia with 30 Black Hawk and 33 UH-1N
Huey helicopters, other types of aircraft, radar equipment and intelligence
gathering gear. Colombia inaugurated its first U.S.-funded 1,000-member
rapid deployment force last year.

The aid would form part of Pastrana's $7.5 billion "Plan Colombia"--$3.5
million of it in foreign aid--which is designed to suppress drug trafficking
as well as shore up the country's ailing economy. "I want to emphasize the
fact that the U.S. government has embraced our integrated strategy to create
employment, peace and institution-building," a delighted Pastrana told
Colombian reporters.

The U.S. package calls for $145 million in alternative economic development,
including crop substitution programs for farmers growing opium poppies and
coca, and $93 million for "expanding the rule of law." Since taking office,
Pastrana has enjoyed clear support from the Clinton administration even
while his domestic approval ratings have tumbled.

"U.S. aid in and of itself cannot help Pastrana," said Alfredo Rangel, an
adviser to former president Ernesto Samper. "The president needs to change
the country's expectations with regards to the economy and the peace talks."
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