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News (Media Awareness Project) - US OK: School Board Finds Survey Results 'Disturbing'
Title:US OK: School Board Finds Survey Results 'Disturbing'
Published On:2006-09-20
Source:Norman Transcript (OK)
Fetched On:2008-01-13 02:50:13

"Disturbing" was the refrain uttered by the Norman Public Schools
officials following the release of the most recent Youth Risk
Behavior Survey results Monday evening at the Board of Education's
regular meeting.

Among the 2,918 district high school students surveyed, more than 40
percent of both males and females indicated they have had sexual
intercourse and more than 30 percent of both genders were active with
one or more persons during the past three months. More than 43
percent of boys and 39.8 percent of girls polled have used marijuana.
The YRBS also revealed more than 30 percent of males and females have
participated in binge drinking, or five or more drinks of alcohol in
a row within a couple of hours.

"These are very disturbing," said NPS board member Ken McBride after
Director of Guidance and Counseling Sharon Heatley's presentation.
"It is wise of us to gather this information and share it rather than
kid ourselves."

The district has issued the survey four times to more than 12,000
Norman High School and Norman North High School students in the last
seven years ??April 1999, October 2001, March 2003 and May 2006. The
survey is voluntary and anonymous.

Information collected serves as an indicator of tobacco, alcohol,
drug, sexual, dietary and physical activity trends within the schools
and assists in describing risk behaviors, creating awareness, setting
program goals, developing programs, supporting health- related
legislation, community development and enrichment and securing
additional sources of revenue.

The 87-multiple-choice-question, six-category format was developed by
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the division of
adolescent and school health. While the initial reaction always seems
to be one of shock, the district views the results as a tool to help
them move forward in addressing schoolwide and community issues.

"We can use this information to create awareness not only in our
schools but the community," Heatley said. "Now we have more
information, and it will take everyone working together to keep our
students academically successful and healthy. Now the hard work begins."

The first step will be to analyze the data and extract the
information needed for services or programs to benefit the students
and community.

"School districts and communities are struggling with these issues
and there is no way this doesn't make an impact," said NPS
Superintendent Dr. Joseph Siano. "As a district we need to step up
and give our students an incentive ... a reason to say 'No.' We have
to look at those things. We have the data to do so."

The board shifted the focus from students to district leadership when
it convened in an executive session. Behind closed doors, officials
agreed to amend Siano's contract for the 2006-2007 school year and
also approved the adoption of a 403(B) plan with employer
contributions. The board approved the superintendent's contract in
February, but indicated salary adjustments would be made later.

Instead of the standard one year agreement, Siano was given a
three-year contract, the first time he has been offered one in his
more than six years of service. He will be with the district until
June 30, 2009, and was awarded a base salary of $152,900. His
previous salary was more than $139,000.

"I was given a three-year contract for the first time," Siano said in
an interview Tuesday. He also expressed his desire to continue with
his work with the community and students. "Being able to continue as
the superintendent in Norman Public Schools is a privilege. I
appreciate the board's confidence, and I look forward to the future."

Among other action taken by the board:

Approved the district gifted education programming advisory committee
for 2006-2007.

Approved the Norman district gifted education plan for 2006-2007.
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