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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: DrugSense Weekly, Sept. 22, 2006 #467
Title:Web: DrugSense Weekly, Sept. 22, 2006 #467
Published On:2006-09-22
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-13 02:43:41


* This Just In http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec1

(1) The War On Marijuana Is Expensive (2) Ballot Initiative -
Internal Poll Finds Support (3) Group Against Pot Initiative Plans
Lectures (4) Are Drug Cartels Gaining Upper Hand In Mexico?

* Weekly News in Review http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec2

Drug Policy

(5) Jackson Mayor Is Indicted Over Crime-Fighting Tactics (6) As
Border Crackdown Intensifies, A Tribe Is Caught in the Crossfire (7)
Attending School Play Requires Drug Test In Kansas (8) Schools To Pay
Crime Tipsters (9) Pot-Leaf Lookalike Leads To Book Redesign

Law Enforcement & Prisons

(10) Legal Community Bemoans Search Of Lawyer's Office (11) Operation
Tarnished Badge: Inquiry Alleges More Abuses (12) Suspects' Deaths
Increasingly Pinned On Disputed Condition (13) Police Used High-Tech
Surveillance At Festival

Cannabis & Hemp

(14) Willie Nelson In Drug Bust (15) Hemp Fest Lights Up Commons (16)
Crowd Packs Stetson Chapel For Marijuana Debate (17) Owner Of
Marijuana Cafe Sent To Jail

International News

(18) Call To Decriminalise Drugs (19) Sniffer Dogs Barking Up Wrong
Tree: Report (20) Italian Red Cross, Think-Tank Launch Campaign For
Use Of Afghan Opium To Make Painkillers (21) Ideas Won't Fly: Lawyer
(22) Tories Eye Three Strikes For Offenders

* Hot Off The 'Net http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec3

Meet Randy Gentry, Confidential Informant

House Approves Strip Search Bill

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Multidisciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies Bulletin

Medical Marijuana - History And Current Complications

A History Of Drug Prohibition

Overkill - The Rise Of Paramilitary Police Raids In America

Waiting To Inhale Debate Transcript

U.S. Takes Drug War To Trendy Youtube

* What You Can Do This Week

Join A Media Activism Roundtable Online

* Letter Of The Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec5

Drug Illusions / By David S. Brannon

* Feature Article http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec6

Cops, Like Kids, Lured By Drug War Profits / By James E. Gierach

* Quote of the Week http://www.drugsense.org/dsw/2006/ds06.n467.html#sec7

Walter Cronkite

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