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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Activist Says Officer Sought His Deportation
Title:US CA: Activist Says Officer Sought His Deportation
Published On:2000-02-17
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 03:11:11

LAPD: Rampart-area man alleges that he was arrested to keep him from
clearing a youth accused of murder.

A Rampart Division CRASH officer pursuing a case against a 15-year-old
accused of a fatal double shooting attempted to arrange the deportation of
a high-profile neighborhood activist whose testimony could clear the youth
of murder charges, the activist says.

The Los Angeles Police Department has not disputed that it arrested the
activist and turned him over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
An arrest specifically for deportation purposes violates departmental
policy on cooperation with the INS.

Alex Sanchez, who is being held at the federal immigration detention
facility in San Pedro, said his Jan. 21 arrest by Rampart Officer Jesus
Amezcua came after months of threats and harassment against him and other
activists in Homies Unidos, a group working to end gang violence.

Federal authorities said they were blindsided by the arrest and mystified
by an LAPD news release that said the INS had been "actively looking for
Mr. Sanchez."

Sanchez and others say Jose Rodriguez, the teenager accused of murder, was
at a Homies Unidos meeting at the time the shooting took place in August.
Sanchez said Amezcua, who built the case against Rodriguez, "really wanted
me bad. He knew I was a witness. He took it real personal."

The arrest of Sanchez--whose detention has made him something of a cause
celebre--is the most recent example of what critics say is Rampart Division
officers' use of immigration issues to eliminate troublesome witnesses by
having them deported.

The division polices neighborhoods that are home to large numbers of
immigrants, many of them in the country illegally.

In transcripts of his testimony in the unfolding Rampart scandal, Rafael
Perez, who worked as an anti-gang CRASH officer in the division, describes
how police would attempt to induce immigration authorities to deport
people--a practice that violates a city policy barring police from engaging
in immigration enforcement.

In Sanchez's case, deportation would remove one of the key witnesses who
say they were with Rodriguez at the Homies Unidos meeting when the shooting
occurred. Sanchez and other alibi witnesses, such as theater instructor
Thom Vernon, say they have not been interviewed by authorities about the
case against Rodriguez, who faces a sentence of 50 years to life if
convicted of the murder alone.

Vernon, co-artistic director of Arts Expand, which directs Homies Unidos'
theater and poetry workshops, said the young man was acting in a skit with
him at the time the murder reportedly took place Aug. 12, 1999. The
workshop ran from 7:40 to 9:40 that night, he said. Police say the shooting
occurred at 8:30.

"I was absolutely with him the whole time," Vernon said of Rodriguez, who
was 14 when he was arrested but is to be tried as an adult. "I don't even
think he went to the restroom."

Federal authorities said they could not document any recent INS
communication with the LAPD about Sanchez, though they said it was possible
that in the past several years his name had appeared on an INS list of
deportable gang members provided to the CRASH unit.

Capt. Bob Hansohn, Rampart area commanding officer, denied that the arrest
was made at the whim of one officer. "I don't think you're talking to the
right people," he said. "If they weren't looking for him, why did they take
him? My officers said they are working with . . . some [INS] field agents
who were looking for this individual."

Assistant U.S. Atty. Shannon Wright said U.S. Atty. Alejandro Mayorkas
decided Tuesday not to prosecute Sanchez for reentering the country
illegally after deportation--he had been sent back to his native El
Salvador in 1994. She said Mayorkas made the decision "based on equitable
considerations and all of the information he learned in the past few years
about Mr. Sanchez."

Sanchez is "in INS proceedings, and they're going to determine
independently what to do in terms of his immigration status and whether he
will be deported," Wright said.

Virginia Kice, spokeswoman for the Western region of the INS, said all
removal proceedings against Sanchez are on hold pending further review of
his request for special immigration status based on special grounds she
declined to detail.

Earlier Encounters

In an interview, Sanchez said he and Amezcua were well-acquainted by the
time the officer arrested him. Last summer, Amezcua stopped him and
photographed him, saying he looked suspicious, Sanchez said.

A few weeks later, on Aug. 6, Amezcua kicked open the door at a birthday
party for Sanchez's fiancee, along with another officer who shoved a girl's
face against the wall several times and hit Sanchez in the head with a
baton, Sanchez said.

He said he next saw Amezcua after the slaying, at a Juvenile Court hearing
for Rodriguez. After that, according to Sanchez, Amezcua began to stop him
routinely on the street and search him, sometimes punching him in the
groin, telling him: "We'll see who wins the court trial--his gang or our gang."

Sanchez and others said Amezcua was one of the officers who regularly
harassed many members of Homies Unidos, stopping them on their way to and
from the group's Thursday night meetings at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on
Wilshire Boulevard.

He said Amezcua was one of several officers who went to the church in
September just hours before state Sen. Tom Hayden (D-Los Angeles) was to
hold a nighttime hearing on harassment of the group.

Sanchez said the officers asked if they could hide in the church during
Homies Unidos meetings.

Church custodian Victor Cosme said LAPD officers did show up at the church
one day in September, but he could not remember the day or their names.

"They wanted to hide in a room where a meeting was taking place, perhaps in
a closet.

I said no," he recalled. "They asked where Homies Unidos met. I showed them
the room. I never saw them again."

A group of LAPD officers, including Amezcua, appeared that night at the
Hayden hearings, where Sanchez testified, according to Rocky Rushing,
Hayden's chief of staff.

When Amezcua saw Sanchez on the street later, he said "he was going to see
me behind bars, and he gave Homies Unidos six months to live," Sanchez alleged.

The Rev. Frank Alton of Immanuel Presbyterian said he sent a letter to
Hansohn in October complaining that police were "hanging around the church
and responding to the homies who were in this group. It felt like they were
targeting them for being gathered there."

Hansohn said he does not believe his officers are harassing anyone or
targeting Homies Unidos but said the matter is under investigation.

"If you talk to a gang member, any time they are stopped by police it's
harassment," he said. "We have a duty to talk to them and gather intelligence."

Not long before his arrest, Sanchez said, Amezcua searched him and a
friend, Ricardo Hernandez, who was arrested on a minor charge and then held
because of his own illegal immigration status.

Then at 8 p.m. Jan. 21, Amezcua stopped Sanchez and told him he was wanted
by the INS, saying: " 'It's over. You can take Homies Unidos and shove it.
. . . Exact words," Sanchez said.

When they reached the Rampart station at Union Avenue and 3rd Street,
police "said they were going to call the INS and see if they wanted me.
Since they already told me the INS wanted me, I found it kind of strange,"
Sanchez alleged.

He said Amezcua refused to let him call a lawyer or Hayden's office.

He was taken to Men's Central Jail but not booked, then transported to
Parker Center, he said.

Amezcua told some of the other officers that "I was [Rodriguez's] alibi.
They thought it was really funny. They started laughing," Sanchez alleged.

It was not until the next morning--12 hours after his arrest--that an INS
official arrived to pick him up, according to Sanchez.
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