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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: Column: Afghan Farmers Are Key To A Successful Mission
Title:CN ON: Column: Afghan Farmers Are Key To A Successful Mission
Published On:2006-09-25
Source:Standard, The (St. Catharines, CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-13 02:28:53

But NATO Is At Real Risk Of Driving Them Into The Arms Of The Taliban

Most people in Afghanistan are farmers. If Hamid Karzai's
Western-backed government in Kabul is to survive, it must have their
support. So not destroying their main cash crop should be an obvious
priority for Karzai's foreign supporters. But what the hell, let's go
burn some poppies.

"We need to realize that we could actually fail here," said Lt.-Gen.
David Richards, British commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, last
week. In southwestern Afghanistan, where 7,000 British, Canadian and
Dutch troops were committed during the summer to contain a resurgent
Taliban, the guerillas now actually stand and fight, even against
NATO's overwhelming firepower and air power, and everything that
moves on the roads gets ambushed.

The combat in Afghanistan is more severe and sustained than anything
seen in Iraq, for the Taliban fight in organized units with good
light infantry weapons. In the past month, Britain and Canada have
lost about half as many soldiers killed in Afghanistan as the United
States lost in Iraq in the same time, out of a combat force perhaps
one-10th as big.

Concern in Europe about Western casualties in Afghanistan is already
so great that none of the NATO countries was willing to commit more
troops to the fighting when their defence chiefs met in Belgium on
Sept. 13, despite an urgent appeal from General Richards for 2,500
more combat troops. Most of them just don't believe that a few
thousand more troops will save the situation in Afghanistan.

The rapid collapse of the Taliban government in the face of America's
air power and its locally purchased allies in late 2001 created a
wholly misleading impression that the question of who controls the
country had been settled. Afghanistan has always been an easy country
to invade but a hard country to occupy. Resistance to foreign
intervention takes time to build up, but the Afghans defeated British
occupations (twice) and a Soviet occupation when those empires were
at the height of their power, and they are well on the way to doing it again.

The various warlords who allied themselves with the U.S. are the real
power in most of Afghanistan, and in the traditional opium-producing
areas in the south they have encouraged a return to poppy-farming
(which had been almost eradicated under the Taliban) in order to get
some cash flow. Poor farmers struggling under staggering loads of
debt were happy to co-operate, and by now Afghanistan is producing
about 90 per cent of the world's opium, the raw material for heroin.

That's the price you pay for disrupting the established order, and
the U.S. should just have paid it. There's no real point in
destroying poppies in Afghanistan, because they'll just get planted
elsewhere: so long as heroin is illegal, the price will be high
enough that people somewhere will grow it. Even if it is
ideologically impossible for the U.S. to end its foolish, unwinnable
"war on drugs," it should have turned a blind eye in Afghanistan.

But it didn't. For the past five years a shadowy outfit called
DynCorps has been destroying the poppy-fields of southern
Afghanistan's poorest farmers with U.S. and British military support.
This was an opportunity the Taliban could not resist, and the
alliance between Taliban fighters and poppy-farmers (now often the
same people) is at the root of the resurgent guerilla war in the south.

It begins to smell like the last year or two in a classic
anti-colonial war, when the guerillas start winning and local players
begin to hedge their bets. After taking heavy casualties, Pakistan
has agreed with the tribes of Waziristan to withdraw its troops from
the lawless province, giving the Taliban a secure base on
Afghanistan's border. Karzai, seeking allies who will help him
survive the eventual pull-out of Western troops, is appointing
gangsters and drug-runners as local police chiefs and commanders. The
end-game has started, and the foreigners seem bound to lose.

Only one chance remains for them. The futile "war on drugs" will drag
on endlessly elsewhere, but if they legalized the cultivation of
opium poppies in Afghanistan - AND BOUGHT UP THE ENTIRE CROP AT
PREMIUM PRICES - they might just break the link between the Taliban
and the farmers. Store it, burn it, whatever, but stop destroying the
farmers' livelihoods and put a few billion dollars directly into
their pockets. Otherwise, the first Afghan cities will probably start
to fall into Taliban hands within the next year to 18 months.
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