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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Column: Shedding Some Light On Addiction
Title:US: Column: Shedding Some Light On Addiction
Published On:2000-04-24
Source:Dear Ann (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-04 20:50:26

Dear Ann Landers:

I have a message for all your readers who may be unaware that they are
living with an addict. Contrary to popular belief, an addict is typically a
white, middle-aged male professional. He appears to be perfectly normal and
shows no outward signs of the disease until the addiction has taken control
of his life.

My husband, a respected and successful physician, is currently in a
treatment center for his substance-abuse addiction. The signs of
ever-growing depression were blamed on a variety of other causes -- turning
40, seasonal affective disorder, job stress and family circumstances, to
name a few. As a loving and concerned wife, I tried everything in my power
to relieve him of stress. The children and I were walking on eggshells,
catering to his anxiety, irritability and mood swings.

What we did not know was that he was addicted to prescription medication.
Finally, an observant colleague intervened and persuaded my husband to get
the help he desperately needed. If this intervention had not taken place, I
am convinced the addiction would have taken over his life.

If any of your readers suspect that a family member or a friend might be
addicted to alcohol or drugs, and notices that he or she is losing interest
in everyday activities and is often depressed, I hope they will have the
courage to step in. It could save a life.

Mrs. Doctor, Anywhere, Any Town

Dear Mrs. Doctor: You have written an important letter, and I thank you.
Drug abusers can be extremely skillful at hiding their addiction. They are
masters at deception. Because physicians have easy access to drugs at the
office (and can write prescriptions), they are particularly vulnerable.
Again, let me say I love the way my readers look out for one another.

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