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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: 8-PUB LTEs: One Toke Makes Good Read
Title:US: Web: 8-PUB LTEs: One Toke Makes Good Read
Published On:2000-07-22
Source:WorldNetDaily (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 15:04:22

One toke makes good read

I just read your "One Toke over the Line, Sweet Jesus?" and wanted to
let you know that it was a very entertaining read. You've obviously
got a brain in your head.

I'm not sure yet that I totally agree with your conclusion (though I'm
tending that way), but it certainly has started me thinking, which is
a good thing.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your
writing style. Several smiles, and at least one laugh, mixed in with
real thinking. Now that's effective communication!


War on personal responsibility

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I really appreciated
your column on the bible and drugs. You are absolutely correct. We
need more Christian commentators like you pointing out drug
prohibition for what it is, an ineffectual, immoral, unholy war
against personal responsibility and the Christian ethic.


People control, not drug control

I agree with your claims that we are to remain level-headed at all
times no matter what we choose to indulge in. However, the Good Book
tells us in Genesis that God placed the plants on this planet for our
use. It also tells us that the very first miracle that Jesus performed
was turning water into wine during a celebration. Moderation (as you
stated) in all things is the key.

The war on drugs isn't about drugs. It's about the government finding
a way to circumvent our Constitution with the backing of the public.

If "drugs" were the real issue, why isn't alcohol on the list? This
drug causes more harm to our society than the others combined. (It
also helps keep our judicial system propped up). If you wanted to keep
a revolving door in our jails going (and the money it generates),
would you rather have people out and about drinking, or people sitting
in their homes with the munchies watching TV quietly?

It's just about showing all of us who has the control. To arrest
someone for smoking pot, let them out of jail and basically say, "Go
have a drink" is a lack of rational thought that rivals any ever
espoused on planet earth. All in all though, good article.


Drinking booze, smoking boomers

Well, dang! Finally, an intelligent article on drug use and
Christianity. Thank you for pointing out the weakness in Gary North's
position. I'm a great fan of Dr. North, but have disagreed with him on
several points. That doesn't make him wrong, of course, it's just that
I think his defense is flawed in this case.

On the issue of "dissipation," the Bible mentions in Timothy 5:23,
that a little wine will help ease an upset stomach. And Proverbs 31:6
instructs one to give "strong drink" (NASB) to one who's down and out.
Now, it's obvious that these verses need to be taken in context and
tempered with the exhortations against drunkenness and dissipation.
But isn't it apparent that getting a little mellow with a 'J' is the
same as relaxing with a martini? Two or three boomers will have
similar results as two or three margaritas, so why the difference in
treatment from a legal standpoint?

I think the "War on Drugs" has the same purpose as the push for "Gun
Control." It's not about guns; it's about control.

Thanks for listening and writing insightful articles.


Saints and dope smokers

Regarding, "One Toke over the Line, Sweet Jesus?": As a preacher (and
converted drug user/abuser) who once was all gung-ho for the so-called
"War on Drugs," I am slowly coming to the same conclusions you are.

I must say, though, that your analysis is fresh and compelling.
Frankly, I've never noticed the distinction you aptly make against
God's take on, say, prostitution, vs. His take on drunkenness -- i.e.,
civil prohibition vs. personal warning. Hats off to you for that nugget!

I have in recent years come to loathe the "War on Drugs." As you point
out, it is a subterfuge for all kinds of abuse under the color of authority.

Here is my nugget for you: Ever notice how "liberals" (read:
anti-Christian secularists) are so VERY fond of attacking the
inanimate and the intangible? Nothing turns them on like wars on
poverty, ignorance, crime, drugs, racism and so on -- not by spreading
the gospel, of course, but by creating cancerous and oppressive
government bureaucracies and diverting HUGE sums of cash to be used to
"solve" the social demon of the hour.

Funny, but with all the money we've thrown at those social evils in
the past 50 years, they have ALL gotten worse, while -- well, what do
you KNOW? -- our FREEDOMS have somehow become more and MORE restricted.

So, while this insight is not original with me (and, for all I know,
you've already made this point previously), all these so-called
campaigns against social "bogey-men" are really fronts for stealthily
wearing down by attrition our (constitutionally-enshrined) individual
liberties "for our own good" and in the name of "society."

So, yes, we Christians are FAR too often the willing stooges of the
aspiring Himmlers and Lenins in our midst, posing as social


Balancing private morals, public policy

As a Christian studying these legal-moral issues I have come to these
conclusions regarding this issue: 1) There are sins in the bible that
God has criminalized and commands the state to punish (murder,
adultery, theft, etc). 2) There are sins in the scripture that God has
not criminalized and for which sanctions are to be imposed by families
and churches (drunkeness, laziness, gossiping, etc). If we stay within
this type of regulative principal for civil law and government, we
will have an ordered society and a maximum amount of freedom, not to
mention a greater influence from families and churches on the
surrounding society.

The state should punish only those sins that God has criminalized and
respect the authority of families and churches to impose sanctions on
those sins God has not criminalized. If we fail to maintain a proper
scriptural balance in these matters from those in authority then we
sow the seeds of tyranny and/or anarchy.

Was it not one of our founding fathers who said "unless we are
governed by God we will be ruled by tyrants"?


Making an informed decision

I just wanted to thank you for the commentary on drugs, and the
Christian response.

First of all, it's been too long since I laughed out loud reading
something written by a Christian! The statement, "On the sin scale of
most Christians, doing drugs is pretty close to doing sheep," is just
too priceless!

Second, you basically gave voice to something that has been in the
back of my brain for a while now. I am trying to make an informed
consideration on how I feel, as a Christian, about our current drug
policy and the seeming shrillness of the usual Christian knee-jerk

Thanks again, and please, please, please keep the sense of


War on some drugs is unchristian

Joel Miller's op-ed, "One Toke Over the Line, Sweet Jesus?" was pretty
darn good. He deals with the topic of sobriety from a viewpoint rarely
expressed in the media.

Not being a Christian but with a fair understanding of ethics,
morality and spirituality I agree with his stance: intoxication is to
be preached against and the virtues of sobriety extolled. He hits the
big one at the very end when he says, "Given the monumental failure of
the drug war, its ever-increasing violations of individual liberty,
egregious injustices, and the fact that there is no biblical mandate
to back it up, Christians should seriously -- and scripturally --
reconsider their support of it."

The sins of the state in enforcing the rabid tenets of prohibition are
beyond appropriate (in a democracy dedicated to the principles of
liberty) and downright unchristian. In fact, close to fascist, in my
opinion. Because of the deep harm done to our nation through the
policies of prohibition, our people have become slaves to the state.

Drug use predates any of our current religions (there is a distinction
between use and abuse). There are faiths in existence which use
mind/mood altering substances as sacraments (Rastafarians and native
peyote use). We are a nation which self-inflicts more harm to our
persons through diet and personal habits (cigarettes) than with all
illegal drugs combined.

There are those who feel that the current persecution of drug users,
particularly cannabis users, is cruel, unusual, un-American, illegal,
immoral and bordering on demonic. Pot smokers are the new victims
placed with the lions in stadiums for sport (watch any of the
"reality" based police shows).

Our homes and our bodies are no longer safe from violation by the
state. We prosecute and persecute the sick and dying and leave a
disastrous heritage of innocent deaths and broken families in the wake
of our prohibitionist fervor.

In my mind the disaster called the war on (some) drugs is unchristian
as hell and I welcome Mr. Miller's horn at the walls.

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