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News (Media Awareness Project) - US VA: PUB LTE: Get To The Root Of Colombia's Problem
Title:US VA: PUB LTE: Get To The Root Of Colombia's Problem
Published On:2000-07-27
Source:Roanoke Times (VA)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 14:43:51

The sentiments expressed by David Nyhan in the July 16 Horizon article, "In
Colombia drug war, Vietnam all over again" cannot be emphasized enough.

I lived for five years in Colombia when my husband was director of the
Inter-American Housing and Planning Center for the Organization of American
States. Even then, before drugs took over, there was dissension in the
country. "La violencia," as it was called, pitted liberals against
conservatives. Ardent political differences, uneven distribution of wealth
and all the problems of an underdeveloped country existed.

The U.S. solution of putting military men in charge of the drug war is
counterproductive. Instead of sending more soldiers and helicopters to
Colombia, we should be dealing with the root of the problem, which is drug
consumption. If the millions we are spending on the military were spent on
helping drug addicts overcome their addiction, it would be money more
wisely spent. Something should also be done to take the profit out of the
drug trade. There are many educated, intelligent and honest people in
Colombia who could help with a solution. Military action is not the answer.
I think that Colombia will turn out to be another Vietnam.

Virginia Currie, Blacksburg
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