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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Carnivore Devours Our Privacy
Title:US: Carnivore Devours Our Privacy
Published On:2000-07-31
Source:St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 14:22:51

Now the FBI wants to recruit Internet service providers, or ISPs, to
spy on U.S. citizens. The FBI already works with the credit companies
to secretly snoop on large portions of our digital credit reports per
the 1996 Intelligence Authorization Act. The FBI has installed digital
phone-tapping equipment directly in phone companies under a similar
congressional act passed in 1994. And the Treasury Department's
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has "deputized" all banks to
monitor our bank accounts and to secretly file "suspicious activity
reports" that it shares with the FBI and IRS and even with some
foreign governments.

The FBI calls its new ISP surveillance software "Carnivore." An agent
connects a laptop to the ISP server and then reads at least the
address of every e-mail message that passes through the server. The
FBI says it has used its Carnivore software 25 times in the last two
years to search for terrorists or drug dealers or child pornographers.
The FBI claims that it needs this search-'em-all software to help it
find and catch such criminals when they use the Internet.

There are three problems with Carnivore, and each is fatal. The first
is that Carnivore undermines the Fourth Amendment's ban on
unreasonable searches - if it does not violate it outright. The FBI
still must get a judge to issue a search warrant based on "probable
cause." This in practice can mean no more than that the FBI asks for
the warrant. But the Fourth Amendment further demands that the warrant
be specific - "particularly describing the place to be searched."

Carnivore searches blindly through all private e-mails that flow
through the ISP server while it looks for a suspicious few. This is as
if the police have a warrant to search someone's bedroom closet and
then search all houses in a city until they find it. The search itself
invades privacy. Carnivore switches the order of search and
identification. Traditional searches first identify the suspect's
property, which is then searched. -Carnivore searches through private
databases until it identifies a suspect's property - and perhaps
learns some new things along the way. This is a

big leap down the slippery slope of state invasion of privacy. And the
very existence of such a monitoring system produces a chilling effect
on e-mail-based free speech, because knowing that a state police
agency will read at least part of your e-mail message affects what you
say in messages.

The second problem is that the FBI does not need Carnivore to search
for alleged criminal e-mails. Rep. John Conyers Jr., D-Mich., raised
this issue with FBI Assistant Director Donald Kerr when Kerr testified
before Congress at a hearing last week on Carnivore: "Why do we need to
put terminals on site at the ISPs rather than let the ISP itself turn
over needed information much in the way that telephone companies do?"

Kerr conceded this point but claimed that the FBI still needs
Carnivore for those ISPs that lack filtering software. This is plainly
specious: The FBI or oversight sources could simply give such ISPs
this filtering software. There is simply no need to grant the FBI such
sweeping powers of search and then trust the agency to police itself
as those powers inevitably grow in time.

The third problem is that Carnivore ultimately will not work. The
criminals it tries to watch are the very people who will take the
steps to evade it: They will change their fake digital IDs more often,
and they will use ever more powerful digital encryption to scramble
their messages.

Carnivore's software blueprints and performance quirks themselves will
leak to the digital underground despite or because of the best efforts
of those in Congress or the judiciary who oversee it. And hackers will
surely study the software system and maybe crack it.

The only people Carnivore can confidently watch are the innocent whom
it has no right to watch. This sets a foolish and dangerous precedent
for the heavy-handed government surveillance one would expect in
Myanmar or China.

The only thing right about Carnivore is its name: This digital beast
devours both personal privacy and constitutional limits on state
police power. Congress should kill it.

Bart Kosko is a professor of electrical engineering at the University
of Southern California and the author of The Fuzzy Future. Copyright
Los Angeles Times
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