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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Drug Tests May Be Introduced
Title:Australia: Drug Tests May Be Introduced
Published On:2000-07-31
Source:West Australian (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 14:21:21

PERTH'S bus companies may soon introduce mandatory drug testing after
union claims that some drivers are using drugs to stay awake at the
wheel, the Department of Transport has confirmed.

Transperth director Mark Burgess said two bus companies were
considering implementing the practice after allegations last month by
the Transport Workers Union that some drivers were resorting to drugs
to fight fatigue.

"I'm aware that a couple of them (companies) are investigating the
issue of random drug testing," Mr Burgess said.

But he denied there was any substance to the union's

"There's none at all," he said. "As far as I'm concerned they are
unfounded allegations."

Perth Bus managing director Steve Lewis said none of the drivers at
his company used drugs.

"On the contrary, the drivers here were furious at the suggestion," he

But TWU organiser Mick Knowles stuck by his allegations and said some
drivers were also being prescribed anti-depressants by their doctors
to try to hold things together.

"The drivers are under a lot of pressure," he said. "They work long
hours and don't get much time to spend with their families. Some of
them are so tired when they get home they just fall asleep so they
don't get to spend any quality time at home."

Mr Knowles said the union was opposed to mandatory drug testing
because it impinged on civil liberties.

"These are not a bunch of kids we are talking about who are heading
out on the weekend and taking speed," he said.

"Some of them are using anti-depressants. The companies should be
helping sort out the problems rather than trying to blame the drivers."
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