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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Arianna, The GOP Spice Girl
Title:US: Arianna, The GOP Spice Girl
Published On:2000-08-06
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 13:33:09

She won't be marching in the streets. She won't be calling for the
overthrow of capitalism and of corporate control of the global economy
(although she might be sorely tempted).

Nevertheless, if anyone is going to shake the over-rehearsed
stiltedness out of this summer's American political conventions and
capture the imagination of those for whom the whole circus is
supposedly intended -- the voters -- then surely Arianna Huffington is
the woman for the job.

Peppy, witty, shamelessly contrary and eternally combative, Arianna is
the driving force behind the Shadow Conventions that are stalking the
mainstream politicians, both in Philadelphia where the Republicans
have officially anointed George W. Bush as their presidential
candidate, and in Los Angeles where the Democrats are gathering to
crown Al Gore.

Count on her to keep things lively (the title of her latest book:
``How to Overthrow The Government''). Count on her to keep the
celebrity count high (among the speakers she has attracted, Gore
Vidal, Warren Beatty and Bush's erstwhile challenger, the populist
Republican Sen. John McCain).

And, above all, count on her to stir the pot by focusing on issues she
believes the two big parties would rather the electorate never got to
hear about: the growing disparity between rich and poor and the myths
of America's much-touted ``prosperity''; the corruption of the present
system of political campaign financing, which enables corporations to
subvert the public interest through money; and the moral and political
bankruptcy of the so-called War on Drugs, whereby small-time addicts
are criminalized and public funds are squandered on prison-building
rather than education and rehabilitation.

It is hard to know how to define Arianna, as she is universally known
(the Huffington comes from a husband she is no longer married to, and
her maiden name, Stassinopoulos, is an overripe mouthful).

Newspaper columnist, political salon-keeper, television personality
- -- none of them really do her justice.

What she does have, in spades, is attitude. She has been many things
to many people in her long and colorful career: president of the
Cambridge Union, trenchant anti-feminist, best-selling biographer of
Picasso, and (in her least convincing role) dutiful political wife.

She was considered Republican until she made clear she had no respect
for any political party, considered a conservative until the Shadow
Conventions filled her with a radical zeal reminiscent of the
counterculture of the Vietnam War era, considered a shameless elitist
until she unexpectedly became an advocate for the poor.

If it was her husband Michael who introduced her to politics, it was
his spectacular failure to win one of California's Senate seats for
the Republican Party in 1994 that gave her the liberating push she
needed to take center stage herself. Within two years she was divorced
and developing a reputation for her political coziness with Newt Gingrich.

Already during the last presidential election season, it was clear
Arianna was no blue-rinse conservative: She appeared on a political
chat show in her nightie, discussing the hot issues of the day in bed
with a pajama-clad left-winger. (The program segment was called
``Strange Bedfellows.'')

The New Yorker described her as the Republican Party's very own Spice

When Newt Gingrich began to become an embarrassment to his supporters,
she had the courage to drop her allegiance to him and began her
astonishing drift -- by now a full-speed surge -- to the left.

And as she threatens to upstage the mainstream parties, plenty of
politicians are quaking ever so slightly at the thought of her.
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