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News (Media Awareness Project) - US SD: Lawmaker Wants To Legalize Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
Title:US SD: Lawmaker Wants To Legalize Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes
Published On:2000-08-17
Source:Argus Leader (SD)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 12:18:56

A South Dakota lawmaker says he will introduce a bill during the next
legislative session that would legalize marijuana for certain medical

Rep. Ron Volesky, a Huron Democrat who is a candidate for the state Senate,
said he's been studying the issue for some time.

"I am not open to decriminalizing marijuana -- period. This issue is about
trying to help a few citizens who could benefit from this legislation, like
those with cancer or glaucoma," Volesky said. "If we approach this issue
with an open mind, reasonably, we could draft and pass legislation in this
area that could be of some benefit to people in this state."

Volesky said he had a bill drafted last year but did not introduce it
because of a heavy legislative load.

Rep. Thomas Hennies, a Rapid City Republican who until last month was the
city's chief of police, thinks the proposed legislation is a good idea.

"I do not favor legalizing marijuana for just anybody, and I would need to
see the controls. But I wouldn't be opposed to it if it was prescribed by a
doctor," Hennies said. "It seems funny to me that a doctor can prescribe
morphine, which is highly addictive, but can't prescribe marijuana."

An Argus Leader story that ran Tuesday profiled Matthew Ducheneaux, a
quadriplegic who uses marijuana to control muscle tremors. He was arrested
for misdemeanor possession at last month's JazzFest.

Ducheneaux had a note written on prescription paper from a Sioux Falls
physician that implied he used the drug medicinally.

Ducheneaux said he thought the note would prevent his arrest. It didn't. But
it did fuel the debate about medicinal marijuana.

Both lawmakers say they have studied the issue and the policies of other

Hennies said the California model is problematic. There, stores are set up
to distribute the drug, he said. Those wishing to purchase marijuana must
have a card issued by a physician.

"That's not the way to do it," Hennies said. "It should be prescribed by a
physician and issued through a pharmacy."

Both representatives agree that strict controls are mandatory.

"I want to sit down with law enforcement and hear their objections," Volesky
said. "Then we need to talk to the medical community, and get input from the
Department of Health, to see how to fashion some type of regulation."

One man who said he's been told by physicians that he would benefit from
medicinal marijuana said he would support the bill.

"Damn right I do. I'd fund raise for it," said Kyle Baas, 33, of Alexandria.

After two injury accidents, Baas suffered major trauma to his neck that
leaves him in chronic pain. He describes himself as a "walking quadriplegic"
who is unable to maintain any quality of life.

Baas spends his days in bed or a recliner, though he doesn't use a

"If I want to do something, like play with my son, I have to sleep for days
to catch up," he said. "I don't do a lot of outdoor activities. It hurts too

He knows marijuana would help. He shuns the synthetic alternatives.

"Marinol is not the actual chemical composite of marijuana," Baas said.
"It's only half the dose of what people need."

South Dakota is one of the few states that arrests for misdemeanor
possession, he said.

"If I lived in California, the state would even pay for it," Baas said. "Why
is it legal there, and illegal here? That's ludicrous."
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