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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: Drug Controls Are Backfiring On Police
Title:UK: PUB LTE: Drug Controls Are Backfiring On Police
Published On:2000-08-18
Source:Essex Evening Gazette
Fetched On:2008-09-03 12:12:46

I agree with Mr Bridge (Evening Gazette 3/8/2000) a general lack of
understanding about drugs and a lack of education has attributed to more
people seeking help with a drug problem.

There is also another reason: increased spending on law enforcement
(prohibition) has encouraged distributors to switch from delivering
bulkier, detectable cannabis to cocaine. This has had the knock-on effect
of encouraging users to switch from cannabis to addictive drugs like
cocaine. which poses the serious detriment to public health highlighted by
the article.

The fact is while middle-aged, middle class chaps are asking around the
golf course for viagra, a black market will supply them.

How many black markets are the police expected to pursue

Don Barnard
Legalise Cannabis Alliance.
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