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News (Media Awareness Project) - New Zealand: Judge Takes Drug Offenders' Loot
Title:New Zealand: Judge Takes Drug Offenders' Loot
Published On:2000-08-19
Source:New Zealand Herald (New Zealand)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 12:04:22

Drug offenders have been stripped of more than $2 million, leaving them no
nest-eggs when they leave jail.

Crown prosecutor Ross Burns said the forfeitures and pecuniary penalty
orders Justice Peter Salmon made in the High Court at Auckland were the
largest ever.

"I think it is the sting in the tail," Mr Burns said yesterday.

"In addition to being sent to prison, people also have to hand back the
proceeds of their offending, so they have got no 'superannuation scheme' to
fall back on when they get out."

The biggest penalties were imposed on chemist William Wallace and his wife,
Beverley, who were represented in court by Peter Kaye.

Wallace was jailed for 10 years for manufacturing methamphetamine while his
wife was imprisoned for 27 months for money laundering.

The couple made more than $1 million.

They had so much money they carried it around in plastic shopping bags and
shoe boxes.

They paid for cars, holidays and industrial property in cash.

Property and cash worth $585,000 has been seized.

In addition, Justice Salmon made pecuniary penalty orders against the
Wallaces totalling $482,000.

To meet the order, they will have to sell their home just down from the Mt
Albert shops in New North Rd - a property on which they spent more than
$100,000 on a perimeter wall, although they claimed they spent only $66,000
on it.

Another major drug offender to be hit in the pocket was Dutchman Wilhelmus
Kim Van Lent.

He was jailed for 13 years for supplying the party drug Ecstasy to the
Auckland dance club set.

Forfeiture and pecuniary penalty orders amount to around $590,000 in his
case, but the Crown is also seeking a flat worth $360,000.

Van Lent's girlfriend, Jacqueline Finlayson, who was jailed for three
years, was ordered to pay $160,000.

Justice Salmon has also stripped other drug offenders of lesser amounts.
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