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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Who Benefits?
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Who Benefits?
Published On:2000-08-20
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 12:00:31

LINDA WILLIAMSON has redeemed herself with acknowledging her source of
information about marijuana was biased (Aug. 13). The proper place to go for
information on any drugs is a pharmacologist. The ancient question, "qui
bono?" - who benefits? - is the cornerstone of good journalism and good law.
Police and the helping professions benefit from the war on drugs.

It is yellow journalism going to those who benefit to ask for information,
because what you get is indoctrination. Control language so that all
non-medical use is abuse and we have a "drug problem." There is no
scientific reason or argument to be made in controlling the drug-taking
behaviour of citizens. Drug taking is a moral issue. Demonization and racist
diatribe are the only arguments totalitarians have.

The duty of government in a free country is to provide citizens with
truthful information. In that duty our government has failed. Protecting
people from themselves is called persecution. "Is the state my master or my
servant?" is the only discourse that citizens need to deal with concerning
drug-taking issues.

Chris Buors, Winnipeg

(Not protecting people from themselves - and others - is called anarchy)
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