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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: OPED: Are All Of Our Leaders Wimps?
Title:Australia: OPED: Are All Of Our Leaders Wimps?
Published On:2000-08-20
Source:Sunday Times (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 11:39:14

EARLY this week somebody stole a number of items from residents at the
Shoalwater hostel.

When an elderly lady goes into a retirement complex she does not expect to
be robbed. Some residents take with them only photos and a little jewellery
from a marriage of 80 years or more. The cruelty of losing wedding and
engagement rings with little commercial value is incalculable to these old
girls who have served this country well.

I have advertised a reward far in excess of the value of the items for their
return, if only to mend a broken heart. Until our bleeding-heart magistrates
start justifying the hard work our police put in by removing these low-lifes
from society, we are more and more forced to act for ourselves.

Ninety-nine per cent of radio talkback callers feel that when a villain
enters property with evil intent, he or she abrogates all civil rights. Our
present laws charge you with deprivation of liberty if you detain them until
the police arrive, and if you touch them it's "crucifixion first offence".
We have have all had enough!

Governments of all persuasions talk big on crime and do nothing. If it were
not for the type of people who are involved in politics, I would stand on an
independent ticket. The wrinklies have a powerful vote.

We all know that most crime stems from the need to buy drugs, but even the
heaviest heroin user would rather pay a couple of dollars at a
government-run and financed clinic than mug an old lady to get a fix. Think
of the benefits:

1. Three light hits a day at $5 per hit would keep them happy and allow my
mother to go to an ATM without a pepper spray. Nobody would risk arrest if
they could get cheap drugs at a clinic.

2. If the "hit" times were set,the police would know where all the addicts
would be at those times.

3. The users would have clean needles and not end up costing us for AIDS

4. Addicts would not have to convert high-school kids into users to finance
their habit and the pyramid-selling system would disappear, reducing the
number of addicts.

Countries such as Switzerland which have introduced these schemes have
reduced violent crime. They are an example to all other countries.

Our law makers still oppose the concept even on a trial basis.

Why do we have to wait for the eastern States to prove it works? For once
let WA lead Australia in something and protect our frail and aged. Are all
our leaders wimps?
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