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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: 5-PUB LTEs: Dope Or Medicine?
Title:US: Web: 5-PUB LTEs: Dope Or Medicine?
Published On:2000-08-23
Source:WorldNetDaily (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 11:38:03

No 'idol' words on drugs

Regarding your piece, "Witch way on drugs?" the ceremonial use of drugs was
definitely for producing an altered (altared?) state which physically allows
the user to shut out sensory and, amazingly, spiritual input. Once a person
is past the euphoria the true effects of the drugs begin to surface as one
comes down and begins to "reconnect." We refer to this state colloquially as
being "spaced out" or "zoned out" as well as other euphemistic terms.
Whatever the time period in history, the result is still the same, the
after-effects of the drug use leave you with a "softened character."

D-day at Normandy would be a good analogy. It's as if "the beach" of your
mind was continually bombed by an enemy in order to soften it up and prepare
it for being overrun. Reconnected neural pathways leave the user susceptible
to altered ways of thinking. This is not a simple changing of the mind which
is either an act of deliberation or propelled by the feelings and emotions
attached to any of life's situations. It is a subtle, insidious,
self-centered acceptance of concepts, ideas and thoughts that leave the user
with a great and growing feeling of greater and growing knowledge, wisdom
and a heightened sense of spirituality. This is the deception of drugs. Not
only of the user but also of those the user is able to influence.

It becomes very interesting when you look at the Greek word for idolatry
which is "eidolatreia." This word is derived from the root eidon which means
to see with the mind's eye or to see in the mind. Whatever we setup in the
mind as the source of wisdom, good and evil, the guiding principles and
ethics of our lives, if it is not the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, it is idolatry. The First of the Ten commandments will give you a
clear idea of what God's thoughts are on idolatry. As a matter of fact,
God's Word is to be the source of wisdom, the standard that defines good and
evil, the believing (not mental assent) of it as the source of our
principles and ethics.

I must admit, I am not aware of your background nor do I know if you are a
Christian but, you have demonstrated great skill in rightly dividing the
Word of God on this topic of drugs. I will also go so far as to point out
that you currently possess a deeper understanding of this topic than most
other Christians and their ministers. Please do not take this as an empty
compliment or soothing words with an ulterior motive. What have I to gain?
Good on you! Keep making sense Joel. Some of us are listening.


Dope or medicine?

Being a Spirit-filled Christian who has even taught Sunday School, I agree
with you about illegal drugs.

Using the pharmekeia argument is specious. If illegal drugs are forbidden by
this line of reasoning then also legal drugs which are obtained at a
PHARMACY should also be excluded. The verse in Corinthians that refers to
one's body being the Temple of the Holy Spirit refers to sexual immorality,
not consumption of intoxicants. Further it says in the Bible that it is not
what goes into the body that make one unclean but what comes out of the

I am not in the least bit liberal but I have observed that the drug war has
led to unconstitutional property seizure laws and a total disrespect for law
enforcement among large segments of the populace.


Wake up, smell the coffee

Preach on, brother. I think it was Hal Lindsey who introduced me to the
"drug use equals sorcery" idea in either "Late Great Planet Earth" or
"There's A New World Coming." Not convincing then, and not convincing now.

Christians need to wake up to the fact that we are supporting an unbiblical
and unconstitutional war that is destroying the freedoms of all Americans,
and serves only to put money into the pockets of organized crime and the
government. Or is that redundant? Keep up the good work.


Just say 'No'

Thanks for the thoughtful and well-researched article. Thanks also for
distinguishing between the two questions: "Should we use recreational
drugs?" and "should the government fight a war to stop us from doing so?"

I believe the two questions are entirely separate. I answer them both with a
resounding "NO."


Expensive toll

I liked your drug war article. I'm not a drug user but I think the war on
drugs is a miserable failure. Prohibition doesn't work.

The thing that gets stuck in my mind is that after spending billions of
dollars and now, having over 2 million people incarcerated, drugs are
cheaper and more readily available than ever before. How can anyone argue
that the war on drugs is a success?

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