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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: PUB LTE: Kind Of Obvious
Title:CN AB: PUB LTE: Kind Of Obvious
Published On:2000-08-23
Source:Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 11:31:30

RE: YOUR addition to a Letter to the Editor by Chris Buors (Aug. 17) that
read: "(Excellent letter. But we fail to follow the logic of your final
argument. For instance, 'if impaired driving is so dangerous, why do we
need legislation....' Kind of obvious, we thought.)"

But wait. Do we outlaw alcohol because people drive drunk? No, we outlaw
drunk driving. So why would we outlaw drugs if people drive under the
influence of them? So, I fail to follow your logic of your final argument.

Charles Reeves

(It's hard to make a full and reasoned argument in one short quip.)
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