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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TN: Editorial: Why Clinton And Your $$ Go To Colombia
Title:US TN: Editorial: Why Clinton And Your $$ Go To Colombia
Published On:2000-09-01
Source:Chattanooga Times & Free Press (TN)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 10:13:20

Why is there such a huge business involving illegal drugs coming into the United States from foreign countries?

Remember the economic law of "supply and demand"? If there is money demanding a product, someone will surely supply it. Foolish Americans are paying billions of dollars to Colombians to supply their drug demand.

Colombia is a big country at the top of South America, with nearly 40 million poor people. Many of them eke out a bare living while powerful drug overlords grow richer by supplying 95 percent of the cocaine and 25 percent of the heroin that misguided Americans demand for their own destruction.

President Bill Clinton went to Colombia this week in connection with sending $1.3 billion of your taxes, military helicopters and "a few" U.S. soldiers to train Colombians to fight the drug producers.

(This isn't another Vietnam, he says.)

Do you think it will work?

If American drug users would end their demand, there would be no illegal drug imports. We will never end supply as long as demand continues.

Colombia is not a stable country. We support the government. There are anti-government political guerrillas. And drug dealers have their own armies defending their rich business.

There is little reason to believe that $1.3 billion of your money will solve the Colombian drug problem. The drug dealers have more money that that.

How can we stop Colombian supply when we can't curb foolish American demand?
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