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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Give In On Prop. 215
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Give In On Prop. 215
Published On:2000-09-13
Source:San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 08:53:26

Thank you for your editorial ``Rx: Marijuana'' (Opinion, Sept. 7). It is every citizens right to consume what they feel is right, provided of course it does no blatant harm to others. Marijuana has proven itself to be a relatively harmless medicinal as well as a benign indulgence -- hardly worth the billions spent locking people away for it.

The Constitution specifically states that laws not covered by it are to be determined by the states -- and that's exactly what California did in 1996 with Proposition 215. When will the federal government concede defeat and listen to the voice of its people?

Thomas Wallace, San Francisco
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