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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: 3 LTEs: Eric Lamaze Ruling Too Lenient
Title:CN ON: 3 LTEs: Eric Lamaze Ruling Too Lenient
Published On:2000-09-21
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 08:02:27

Today, far too many people look for an easy way out of their problems. They
try to find someone else to blame, never wanting to take responsibility for
their own actions. They count on getting a second chance.

A prime example of this attitude is Eric Lamaze, an equestrian who was
banned from competing in equestrian sports for life and kicked off the
Canadian Olympic squad for using cocaine. (An adjudicator overturned the
lifetime ban on Monday but the Canadian Olympic Association is not allowing
him to compete in Sydney.)

When I read about him, I was dismayed that someone lucky enough to have a
natural athletic gift would put his career, potential success and respect
of his friends, fans and peers, in jeopardy by taking drugs.

My sense of dismay deepened when I learned that this was not the first time
that he was caught using cocaine. In 1996, the same thing happened within
weeks of the team's departure for the Olympics in Atlanta.

At first, he was given a four year suspension. Later an arbitrator reduced
this punishment to seven months. Perhaps he was too lenient because now,
four years later, Lamaze has done it again.

Does he really deserve another chance? He was fully aware of the
consequences when he took the drugs both times; he obviously didn't learn
from his earlier mistake. What will stop him from using cocaine again?
Furthermore, Lamaze is setting a poor example for younger athletes who
might be left with the impression that even if you break the rules, there
are no major consequences.

His lawyer suggested that Lamaze is to equestrian sports what Tiger Woods
is to golf. However, this is where the comparison must end. Tiger Woods is
extremely committed to his sport and has never done anything to put his
career at risk.

Obviously, the same can't be said about Lamaze. It's time for him to pay
the price for his actions.

Erika Nardone


Re Lamaze ruling wrong message, Sept. 19. What a great article by Dave
Perkins. I could not agree more with his comments regarding the Eric Lamaze
issue. What kind of a message does this send to our young people? What kind
of message does this send to other athletes? What kind of message does this
send to the rest of the world?

I am furious with the decision the adjudicator made to overturn his
lifetime ban. Canada looks its usual wishy washy self. Using cocaine once
is one thing, but being caught twice is another matter entirely. My
daughter is a rider and she is disgusted, ashamed and puzzled by this
ruling. Once again we are the laughingstock of the world.

Carolyn Terlouw


My God! I feel so sorry for Eric Lamaze. All he did was use a little coke
when he was depressed. Thousands of people in Toronto do this every day
with no fear of being banned from the Olympics; why pick on him?

Never mind the many people around the world who suffer untold indignities
or even death, to keep Lamaze and others supplied with this sure cure for

After all, it's not his problem how the cocaine gets to him or who suffers
as a result.

Jim Thompson
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