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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: Editorial: Making Our Way Through Lamaze
Title:CN ON: Editorial: Making Our Way Through Lamaze
Published On:2000-09-22
Source:Expositor, The (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 08:02:00

Canada may not be cleaning up in the medals, but it is reassuring to know
that at least Canada's athletes are clean.

The Canadian Olympic Association has done the right thing by banning
equestrian rider Eric Lamaze from participating in the Sydney Olympics.

The COA could have gone either way but, fortunately, made the wiser

Lamaze had a good story to tell. A drug test in August turned up evidence
of two banned substances and an immediate and automatic ban was placed on
him, which knocked him off the Sydney team.

Lamaze argued that the two substances -- which don't do much for an
equestrian -- were taken inadvertently. One was in a cold remedy, the other
in a dietary supplement which didn't list the drug on the label.

So he was quietly reinstated. However, another drug test a few days later
showed evidence of cocaine.

It was tougher for Lamaze to argue that the cocaine use was an accident. He
said he was so devastated by the suspension that he went to a party and
took some hits off a cocaine-laced cigarette.

Lamaze and cocaine are old acquaintances. He was tossed off the 1996
Olympic team for cocaine use and has admitted being a drug user in his
younger days.

But, he appealed anyway and, surprisingly, an independent adjudicator ruled
earlier this week that the whole chain of events, from the wrongful
suspension to the cocaine use to the second suspension, was so unusual that
Lamaze should be given another chance.

But being reinstated by his own sport's federation isn't enough. He still
needed the blessing of the Olympic Association. When they looked at the
case and judged it against the many larger issues at play, they ignored the
adjudicator and kicked Lamaze off the Olympic team, once and for all.

That was really the only option available to them. Lamaze's excuse for his
cocaine use is pathetic; sure he was disappointed, but since when is it
acceptable to take refuge from your sorrow in an illegal drug?

It says a lot about his lack of judgment, too, that even as he was in the
midst of trying to win reinstatement he committed yet again the same
offence which had him barred four years ago.

As a fellow human, Lamaze deserves our sympathy, as does anyone who allows
drug use to destroying a lifetime of accomplishment and end a career of
great promise.

But as an Olympic athlete -- Canada doesn't need Eric Lamaze or anyone else
who tarnishes the reputation of our other athletes and our country. A
cocaine user is not the sort of person we want to be sending to the world's
biggest showcase as one of our national representatives.

From Ben Johnson to Ross Rebagliati, we have been embarrassed enough. We
don't need Lamaze adding to the pile.
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