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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: LTE: Solution Is Not As Simple As 'Legalization'
Title:Canada: LTE: Solution Is Not As Simple As 'Legalization'
Published On:2000-09-24
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 07:46:54

We read with interest the series by Dan Gardner on the War on Drugs and as
Canada's national police force, we were pleased to see how much space was
dedicated to the drug issue. Drugs are a serious problem in Canada and
internationally and warrant continued, serious dialogue and debate.

We do not wish to argue the specific advantages and disadvantages to any
approach around the world, or the specifics of the many points made in the
series. The issue of how to approach the drug problem is as complex as it
is difficult. We know for sure that there are many points of view, and, to
date, no lasting solutions.

We would like to be clear about the position of the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP). The RCMP supports a multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary
approach as we believe there is no single solution to mitigating the drug
problem. The RCMP has never viewed enforcement as the only response.
However, a reduction in the supply of drugs creates an atmosphere in which
education and a reduction in demand for drugs can occur, and treatment can
be most effective.

Solutions involving all the pillars of prevention, education, enforcement,
counselling, treatment, rehabilitation and diversion are most likely to
achieve long-term success for drug-related issues. This philosophy is
consistent with the views of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
(CACP), of which the RCMP is a member.

Knowing that enforcement alone is not the answer, the Canadian law
enforcement community has actively supported numerous
non-enforcement-related initiatives. In 1973, the CACP passed a resolution
to support treatment and rehabilitation of addicts to replace the existing
punitive approach. In 1981 and numerous times since, the CACP has requested
that the government assume a strong leadership role in the development of
preventative education programs. A CACP resolution in 1995 supported the
National AIDS Strategy for a community-based needle exchange program that
includes outreach, education, counselling and testing.

In 1996 and 1999, the CACP strongly urged governments to provide adequate
additional police and health resources for demand-reduction initiatives and
to renew its commitment to maintain a co-ordinated and balanced drug
strategy. The CACP supports medical research into the medicinal benefits of
all illicit drugs, including cannabis (marijuana) and heroin. We support a
variety of alternative measures instead of a criminal scheme for what are
now summary conviction offences for possession of cannabis. What neither
the RCMP nor the CACP supports is the legalization of currently illicit drugs.

There is a wide range of approaches to drug misuse. At one extreme is law
enforcement as the only response; at the other extreme is legalization. I
wish that the solution could be as simple as that offered by Mr.
Gardner: "Eliminate prohibition and these harms will go as well." I
suggest that the most effective responses will be found between the two

So long as there is demand, there will be major health, social and related
issues with drugs, just as there are currently with alcohol and tobacco.
Drug legalization is not likely to bring about the demise of the Hells
Angels. Criminal groups will do whatever is necessary to make a profit.
This includes activities related to both licit and illicit commodities.

Regulating illicit drugs as we do now with alcohol and tobacco, doesn't
provide much comfort. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse,
alcohol, the most abused drug, is responsible for approximately 6,000
deaths and costs Canadians $7.5 billion annually. Tobacco is linked to
45,000 premature deaths and $9.6 billion in social and economic costs
annually. These drugs are the "norm" in our culture and together cost
Canadians 16 times more than illegal drugs do per year ($17 billion versus
$1.37 billion).

Some people tend to think peace officers are only engaged in the
enforcement of laws, but this is only one aspect of our response to the
drug problem. Our drug awareness co-ordinators and community policing
officers deliver programs that build self esteem and resiliency for
Canadian youths to help them make healthy choices. We have joined with our
health and education partners locally and nationally through "Health and
Enforcement in Partnership" to help propose effective, long-lasting
solutions to both root causes of drug use and the harm that drug abuse
causes. Our colleagues and partners in other police forces across the
country join us in these types of problem-solving efforts.

While much can be gained from researching innovative approaches, such as
those found in parts of Europe, Canada needs to develop a strong
foundational approach first and foremost. These initiatives must address
the root causes of drug misuse, such as poverty, child abuse and mental
health issues, while also focusing on what happens after chronic use leads
to abuse.

Strong social services support networks will be needed, including family
support programs, aggressive education and prevention programs and
comprehensive services to addicts.

Finding effective solutions is challenging. Illicit drugs differ
significantly in their effects and harms. Recreational users, addicts,
traffickers, importers and those who launder the profits require unique
responses. A vigorous, robust, balanced approach of prevention,
enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation is essential. We know from
experience that the solution is neither as easy nor as simple as

Chief Supt. Bob Lesser,

Ottawa, Officer in Charge, Drug Enforcement,

RCMP National Headquarters, Vice-Chair, CACP Drug Abuse Committee
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