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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: Editorial: Stop Shortchanging Foreign Aid
Title:US IL: Editorial: Stop Shortchanging Foreign Aid
Published On:2000-09-26
Source:Chicago Tribune (IL)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 07:36:15

As Congress debates the foreign operations budget, some members are pushing
to reopen the $1.3 billion aid package for Colombia--and add to it. That's a
switch. The GOP-controlled House and Senate have already allotted about $2
billion less than President Clinton's requested $15.1 billion for overseas
assistance programs.

Now House International Relations Committee Chairman Benjamin Gilman
(R-N.Y.) and Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton (R-Ind.) have
asked House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) to include $99.5 million more in
the foreign operations bill for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. They want
to spend the money on Colombia's national police, to better outfit them with
helicopters, ammunition and protective equipment for their fight against
drug traffickers.

That in itself isn't worrisome. Colombia's police have certainly been a far
more reliable ally of the U.S. against narcotraffickers than Colombia's
military, with its connections to paramilitary groups and human rights
abuses. What's worrisome is the entire bipartisan $1.3 billion aid package,
signed by Clinton this summer and designed to bolster Colombia's
military--with training, U.S. advisers and 60 Black Hawk and Huey attack
helicopters--in its fight against drug traffickers.

Critics argue this is a slippery slope that could lead to a Vietnam-style
quagmire, or perhaps another El Salvador, where the U.S. allied itself with
a democratic regime only to escalate conflict and human rights abuses.

Clinton and Congress are giving plenty to Colombia. Let them argue about how
to divvy it up better, fine. But they ought not allocate a dime more,
especially when Congress is already cutting items from the foreign
operations budget that should draw public outrage.

The $2 billion the House and Senate trimmed from the administration's
request included funds for debt relief to struggling nations, to combat
HIV/AIDS, especially in Africa, and for multinational development banks that
make infrastructure loans to poor nations.

Congress has also shortchanged funding requests to pay the U.S. share of
United Nations peacekeeping and to fund family assistance programs in other

At a time of surplus and plenty in America, foreign operations and the State
Department comprise a paltry one percent of the federal budget. But that
allows the U.S. to implement foreign policy around the world.

It is in America's interest to invest in preventing wars abroad, alleviating
poverty, fighting disease and promoting democracy and development. This
helps foster a world that is more stable, safer for U.S. investment and less
likely to require even more costly investments of taxpayer dollars--sending
in U.S. forces to restore order or rebuild infrastructure and institutions.

Instead of being penny-wise and pound-foolish, let the Congress get real and
fully fund foreign aid.
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