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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Web: Nazing-Out Drugs In America
Title:US: Web: Nazing-Out Drugs In America
Published On:2000-09-29
Source:WorldNetDaily (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 07:19:45

This letter is in regard to Len's response to Joe Miller's column on Tom

Len's comments are a prime example of the truism the fascism and ignorance
are inextricably entwined. He betrays gaping flaws in logic and fundamental
gaps in knowledge from his first sentence. Perhaps you should hire a fact
checker before you publish the wild assertions of a rabid, yet
under-informed, fanatic.

"Drugs" do not, plain and simple, "enter and become part of the cell
nucleus." Cocaine does not "dissolve portions of the brain" (I'd like to
point out that cocaine is a Schedule II drug; it is legal for use in the
USA under limited conditions such as facial surgery, just like morphine and
amphetamine). His feeble attempt to cite "science magazines back in the mid
'80s" is laughable; perhaps he could provide an actual specific reference?

He claims that moderate use of alcohol and tobacco are not lethal; on this
we can agree. So, one is forced to ask, what about moderate use of other
drugs? Applying his very logic to alcohol, all who sip a glass of wine with
dinner would instantly be transformed into drooling, comatose, skid-row

His assertion that all dealers "know for certain" that they are killing
their clientele is demonstrably incorrect; it is a simple fact that most
drug users do not die. Does every bartender "know for certain" that his
patrons will die in a DUI-caused car wreck? I think most people would laugh
at such an outlandish claim, and rightly so.

Finally, his proposal to immediately execute drug dealers on conviction
marks him as a better candidate for banana-republic dictator than American
citizen. I politely suggest that Len spend some time reading the U.S.
Constitution, a simple and eloquent document that I am forced to conclude
he has never laid eyes on. A little basic biology, pharmacology, and basic
jurisprudence might be good follow-ups.

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