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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: Request For Scrutiny
Title:US TX: Request For Scrutiny
Published On:2000-10-02
Source:Dallas Morning News (TX)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 06:58:15
MAP Editor's note: This letter from Rep Waters appeared in the online
DMN, 02 Oct 2000, with headline and explanation as follows:


Here is the text of the letter by Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, asking
Attorney General Janet Reno to intercede in a joint Drug Enforcement
Agency-Houston police investigation of music executive James Prince and
Rap-A-Lot officials:

August 20, 1999
Ms. Janet F. Reno
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
Constitution Avenue & 10th St, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Attorney General Reno,

Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, I am writing to
request your assistance on what I believe to be an urgent matter. Mr.
James Prince, owner of Rap-A-Lot Records, believes his life to be in
danger at the hands of rogue officers from the Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) in Houston, Texas.

James Prince is a 34 year old, African-American entrepreneur who has
created a very successful business producing and managing rap artists.
It is my understanding that Mr. Prince has amassed sizeable assets from
his business which is operating out of Houston, Texas. Mr. Prince
believes that he is being harassed and intimidated by the DEA officials
in his hometown of Houston because of their assumption regarding the
legitimacy of his business finances.

Mr. Prince alleges that the DEA has accused him of earning the profits
from his business illegally. In addition, he alleges that he has been
subjected to racial slurs, the illegal search of his automobile and
his customers are stopped and questioned without provocation by the
Mr. Prince also has raised concerns about the interference in his right
to travel and he has been stopped numerous times on dark stretches of
Texas highways. Simply put, Mr. Prince believes strongly that the
Department of Justice must intercede into the questionable practices of
the DEA and provide him with the necessary protection to ensure that
life and livelihood are not subjected to ongoing harassment and

Attorney General Reno, Mr. Prince has contacted me out of desperation.
While in Houston, Texas, I had the opportunity to visit Mr. Prince's
buildings and I spoke to his workers.

After listening to Mr. Prince's concerns and that of his customers, I
suggested that he document his torments at the hands of DEA agents and
send it to you for your perusal. Please understand that Mr. Prince has
asked me to assist him because of my work surrounding the intelligence
community, police harassment and brutality, and the reported incidents
of "driving while black/brown."

I am often contacted by African Americans who feel helpless when
confronted with the incidents as described by Mr. Prince. The harrowing
details of Mr. Prince's allegations and my reputation in vigorously
pursuing such matters warrants that I assist him to the best of my
capabilities. Will you please give this matter your immediate
I anxiously await your response.

Maxine Waters,
Member of Congress
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