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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Is It Anyone's Business What Plants People Grow?
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Is It Anyone's Business What Plants People Grow?
Published On:2000-10-07
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 06:25:24
ANDREW SEYMOUR writes typical unquestioning propaganda in his article
"Drug officers weed out pot" (Saturday Sun, Sept. 30) He doesn't
mention the human costs of the war on drugs, only the apparent glee of
officers as they steal private property and kill living plants,
destroying lives in the process. How many real criminals get away
while the OPP spends money and time pulling up plants and arresting

Why are our tax dollars being spent to fund these vicious practices,
when they could be diverted to health care, education, social
services, etc.? Is it anyone's business what plants people grow in
their back yards?

Jason Lalancette,
Saanich, B.C.

Comment: headline by newshawk
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