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News (Media Awareness Project) - Argentina: Wire: Argentina Endorses Colombian Plan
Title:Argentina: Wire: Argentina Endorses Colombian Plan
Published On:2000-10-12
Source:Associated Press
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:44:41

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -- President Fernando De la Rua has offered
support for Colombia's drug-fighting efforts, but stopped short of
endorsing a U.S.-backed military offensive known as Plan Colombia.

Speaking at a joint news conference Thursday with Colombian President
Andres Pastrana, De la Rua said his government was committed to supporting
``the forces of peace and reconciliation'' in Colombia.

But he made clear Argentina would not endorse the U.S.-backed anti-drug effort.

``Plan Colombia is an internal issue for Colombia,'' De la Rua told
reporters. ``Argentina insists in reaffirming its principle of
nonintervention. But we express our hope in their fight to find peace.''

The anti-drug offensive will be mounted by U.S.-trained Colombian army
troops, who will be flown into Colombia's coca-growing region aboard
American-made combat helicopters.

The United States has promised $1.3 billion to the plan, which Pastrana
said will cost $7.5 billion over four years. Most of the U.S. aid will go
to providing military hardware and training aimed at combatting armed
groups that protect plantations producing 90 percent of the world's cocaine.

De la Rua's comments were the latest by a regional leader on the plan.

On Wednesday, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos offered unequivocal support,
committing his government ``to help in whatever ways the Colombian
government deems pertinent.''

However, other Latin American leaders have been more critical, fearing it
could destabilize the region and lead to increased meddling by the United
States in Latin America.

At a regional summit in Brazil last month, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
expressed his fear that the U.S. military presence could increase the
violence in the region. Brazil echoed such concern.

However, Pastrana presented a confident defense of the Plan, stressing it
was a homegrown initiative, which would not lead to large-scale U.S.

``It is not the Clinton Plan,'' Pastrana said. ``It is a Colombian Plan,
presented by Colombians and developed for Colombians.''

He also stressed that most of the plan's funds are for nonmilitary projects.

``This is an integral plan ... aimed at helping the poorest sections of
society,'' Pastrana said.

The two presidents also signed commercial, cultural and technical accords,
including cooperative agreements to combat drug trafficking and money
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