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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: 4 PUB LTE: Disregard Rights
Title:CN ON: 4 PUB LTE: Disregard Rights
Published On:2000-10-13
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:30:55

In their zealous pursuit of justice, American officials seem content to
disregard the individual rights of their own citizens. One would hope that
officials would honour their own law, California's Proposition 215, the
Compassion Care Act that made it legal for seriously ill persons to
purchase and use marijuana if recommended by a doctor. The law was voted
upon by the same public who put these people in office.

Does the United States not have compassion for the terminally ill? I can
think of no greater indignity than placing a terminally ill man in solitary
confinement. What benefit does this serve? None.

If Ms. Boje is returned to the United States, she will surely be convicted.
Justice was not served for medical-marijuana users Peter McWilliams or Todd
McCormick, so why would it be for Ms. Boje?

Our Justice Minister Anne McLellan needs to take a stand and show the world
that Canada is a country of humility and understanding.

Unfortunately, everyone involved in this case will become a statistic, for
the wrong reason though -- the War on Drugs.

Robert Borden, Ottawa


Renee Boje is on the verge of becoming another victim of the United
States's paranoia-driven War on Drugs ("American faces 10 years in jail for
tending plants," Oct. 7).

While millions of happy and productive citizens continue to use marijuana
for both medicinal and recreational purposes, those who have vested
interests in the War on Drugs continue unsuccessfully to try and convince
us that it is a dangerous, corrosive substance. Few people actually believe
that, but most who see the lie continue to do nothing in defence of those
who suffer.

As a former resident of "the land of the free," I urge Canadians to speak
out in defence of Ms. Boje, the late Peter McWilliams, Todd McCormick, and
the many thousands of others who are being persecuted for use of a plant
that doesn't happen to meet the U.S. government's very narrow standards of

With the death of Mr. McWilliams, the U.S. government has proven that it
would rather see its own citizens die from untreated AIDS and cancer than
reform its draconian and outdated drug laws.

Citizens of Canada, don't let this paranoia take root here. Write to
Justice Minister Anne McLellan and urge her to grant asylum to Ms. Boje
here. Canada was a haven for many Americans who refused to be drafted into
fighting an unjust war in Vietnam 30 years ago. It must now become a haven
for the victims of this new war.

Alan Arcadia, Bath, Ont.


If the extradition of Renee Boje is carried out, our government should not
be surprised if Canadians across the country join in a protest and use the
first opportunity to defeat a government that acts like a slave of the
United States and disregards principles it has openly and loudly upheld for
decades: the principles essential for a truly free, democratic country.

We in Canada should not condone, or act as if we would condone, the U.S.
for using their War on Drugs, which was described by Dan Gardner in earlier
articles in the Citizen, as justification for trampling on human rights and
treating its citizens in the same brutal manner as other countries have
done in the past and are still too often doing now. These types of regimes
and political systems have been condemned by us and the U.S. as being
oppressive and anti-democratic.

Let's hope the Canadian government will have the courage to make a decision
in line with our Canadian tradition to protect those who are worthy of
protection but who cannot protect themselves.

Gisela Bublitz, Hull


I commend the Citizen and Dan Gardner for the excellent and thorough series
"Losing the War on Drugs."

I thank you for printing the supplement, which I have sent to colleagues in
Santa Fe, New Mexico, who are addiction counsellors. They are highly
trained, deeply dedicated and very compassionate. However, like most people
in North America, they do not have the whole picture.

After reading the entire Citizen report with an open mind, I hope they will
support their governor, Gary Johnson, in dialoguing about the damage caused
by the drug war.

If the Citizen decides to print more drug-war series supplements, include
the poignant article on Renee Boje ("American faces 10 years in jail for
tending plants," Oct 7). Her plight exemplifies the danger to personal
freedom created by the conflict between the liberal states and the
repressive U.S. federal government.

My views have changed from legalization to decriminalization with moderate
civil punishment, such as community service. And greatly expanded treatment
facilities for those who seek sobriety. In addition, end the stigma
attached to drug use.

Instead, we should concentrate on ways to decrease poverty, and increase
opportunity for meaningful work and education. Treat users with respect for
their choices, at the same time giving them opportunities to improve their

The ultimate irony is that there is a war on social drugs (chemicals)
abused by a fraction of the world's population, while the real threat comes
from toxic chemicals in the water, air and soil, creating a "chemical soup"
in which we all live. International companies continue to poison the entire
planet. Thus the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink
harm every person in the world. Who then are the real criminals?

The pollution of the Arctic demonstrates dramatically how planetary
pollution affects every single living being. The increase in mental illness
among children, the staggering number of people suffering degenerative
diseases, and the increase in violent behaviour worldwide, can be related
to a greater or lesser degree to this pollution.

I recommend a followup report on the real threat of "drugs" -- the chemical
pollution of our planet and the degradation of all life.

Let's redirect the money wasted on the War on Drugs to cleaning up our
beautiful planet. In that way, everyone benefits

Laura K. Golden, Ottawa
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