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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: Rep. Frank Calls For Shift In Nation's Drug Policies
Title:US MA: Rep. Frank Calls For Shift In Nation's Drug Policies
Published On:2000-10-15
Source:Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:27:46

WORCESTER-- U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Newton, said last night that the
country was ready for a public revolt against the way in which drug
policies are being enforced.

Speaking at the annual meeting and awards banquet of the Worcester Country
Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, held at the
Holiday Inn, Mr. Frank said many lives have been ruined by the country's
harsh and punitive drug laws.

"Nowhere have we spent money and engaged in more effort and have less to
show for it than in combating illegal drugs," he said.

Mr. Frank said he was not calling for complete legalization, because the
country was not ready for that.

"But there are people in prison today for doing what I believe Al Gore and
George Bush did, when they were younger," he said.

"It is not that I mean Al Gore and George Bush should be in prison. It does
mean that young, uneducated, poor and particularly minority youngsters
should not be in prison either."

Mr. Frank, who is running against a Republican and a Libertarian to retain
his district seat, quipped that he was wary of saying anything to alienate
voters in his district, or those in the audience.

But, he said, conservatives have failed to recognize that "the market is a
powerful tool."

"Millions of free people with money who want something are very likely to
get it," he said.

"It is possible for a sophisticated society to protect people from other
people. It is very hard in a free society to protect people from what they
themselves determine to do to themselves."

Fighting the country's harsh drug policies, according to Mr. Frank, will
require a shift in tactics by the Civil Liberties Union and others.

"The Civil Liberties Union and others have been very good in stepping in
and protecting people's rights, but collectively we have not done enough to
change the climate that leads to the violation of those rights," he said.

"It is our sacred duty to vindicate the rights of individuals in judicial
proceedings, but it is a very incomplete defense if we do not dedicate
ourselves to change the political climate that led to the offense in the
first place.

"It means going to town meetings, it means getting on these stupid talk
shows, it means writing letters to the editors, it means getting out there
and trying to change the minds of your fellow citizens."

Last night the ACLUM recognized Worcester public school teacher Elizabeth
Molinari. The group said she "acted vigorously to protect the civil rights
of the children under her partial protection in 1994, when she was a
teacher aide in the Worcester public school, by speaking out against a
teacher that was abusing her students."

"She is a shining example to other teachers that they have a primary
responsibility to protect students in their care," according to Ronal C.
Madnick, executive director of the Worcester County ACLUM chapter.
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