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News (Media Awareness Project) - US RI: PUB LTE: Story Smells Wrong
Title:US RI: PUB LTE: Story Smells Wrong
Published On:2000-10-15
Source:Providence Journal, The (RI)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:17:45

I don't believe in trial by newspaper. A man is innocent until proven
guilty. But Johnston Mayor Bill Macera comes out of your Oct. 5 story
literally smelling bad -- reeking of marijuana ("Johnston police: Mayor
'smelled' of majijuana").

It would be a far more serious a matter if the mayor had been driving under
the influence of the still-popular but still-illegal drug. I agree with
Froma Harrop ("U.S. not going straight to pot," Commentary, Spt. 13: "Some
day, the sale and possession of marijuana will be legal from sea to shining

Bill Macera was my philosophy of religion instructor at CCRI. I got a B in
his course. My impression of the ex-priest is that he is a good and decent
man. But it is very challenging to reform Johnston, R.I.

I am not writing this letter under the influence of pot.


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