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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Majority Regard Cannabis As No Worse Than Drink
Title:UK: Majority Regard Cannabis As No Worse Than Drink
Published On:2000-10-17
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:17:00

A clear majority of British voters believe that using cannabis is no worse
than smoking or drinking, according to the latest Guardian/ICM opinion
poll. The survey also shows that the overwhelming majority also believe
that smoking dope should not remain a criminal act in Britain. Some 43%
even go so far as saying that its personal use should be legalised
completely - a far higher proportion than previously recorded on
Guardian/ICM opinion polls.

The findings confirm the view that a change has taken place in British
public opinion about the future legal status of cannabis and that Ann
Widdecombe was out of tune when she proposed replacing a policy of police
cautions with a mandatory $100 fixed penalty fine. Only one in five voters
believes that possession of cannabis should remain a criminal offence.

Opinion is most pro-cannabis among the 25 to 34 age group, some 50% of whom
believe its personal use should be legalised. Two-thirds of this age group
believe that smoking cannabis is no worse than smoking tobacco or drinking
alcohol. This is higher than even the 65% of 18-24 year olds who subscribe
to the same view. Indeed, the only age group to disagree with this
proposition is the over 65s some 49% of whom were against. Even among these
"grey voters" one in three agrees that cannabis is no worse than alcohol or

Despite the fact that politicians in recent days have contrasted the
experience of middle class youngsters at university with what goes on in
"the real world" of inner city council estates, there is little difference
in view across social class about cannabis law reform. Some 45% of DE
voters - the unskilled and unemployed - think it should be legalised as do
44% of AB voters - the professional classes.

The poll does however show a clear divide between those who want to see the
decriminalisation of cannabis but are not yet prepared to see it fully
legalised. While 22% said they believed the personal use of cannabis should
remain a criminal act, some 30% said the police should not make prosecution
a priority and it should effectively be decriminalised. The issue has
polarised opinion with only 4% of voters saying they had no opinion on the

The findings of this poll, combined with weekend surveys also showing large
majorities for decriminalisation, will put Tony Blair and Jack Straw under
further pressure to reassess the government's policy on drugs.

The next opportunity will come when Home Office ministers give evidence to
the Commons home affairs select committee on why they dismissed within
hours of publication the Police Foundation report on cannabis published in
March. The report, which included two chief constables among its
membership, recommended that prison should no longer be used for cannabis

Some 4,500 people were imprisoned last year after being convicted of
cannabis charges.
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